Plea to contestants
Yo,Quite a few times, when I run the entry games, they load in fullscreen. And most of the time it flips out my monitor (gives me an "out of range" message) on Ubuntu, so I have to reboot my computer. It's a bit cumbersome having to check all the files to make sure the games aren't starting in fullscreen, so by default can ya'll start your games in windowed mode, and just add an option for fullscreen or something?
Also, am I the only one getting this error?
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@phren: Yipe! That's gotta be annoying
cd path/to/game/ xinit `which python` -- :1This will start a basic X server with just your game and no window manager. You can then switch back and forth with ctrl+alt+f7 or f8. Any further X servers are after f7, so for :1 press f8 (the first one is :0, of course). You can replace the arguments after 'xinit' and before '--' with whatever you want, however whatever command you run needs to have an absolute path, so I use `which python` (note the backticks), which in this example inserts '/usr/bin/python'.
Of course, there are people who will disregard a game if the instructions aren't in-game but in the readme, I don't think they should do that either, but putting lack of instructions at the same level of a game not working sounds a bit too much for me. I would say that the lack of instructions falls about at the same level of a bugged first level (even if there's an awesome game later) - it's a small error of the developer, but a good judge should keep trying (he might think it's a loss of points, that's ok, but at least he should either keep trying or not vote at all if that error doesn't let him experience any of the game).
Just my opinion.
I approve of gcewing's suggestion.
Also, you don't have to restart the computer to exit the games. Just press Ctrl-Alt-F1 and kill the process (killall python). Also, the games should still be able to detect events, so you can quit if you know the commands.