September 2022 challenge: “The Red Planet”

Project Aries - First Day Log

Posted by AfterChange on 2022/09/04 17:56

Was pretty slow in terms of actual progress. Most of the day was unproductive, and went into discussing game ideas, searching for assets and initializing the GitHub repository. Hopefully more work would get done tomorrow

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BeatSpace - Day 1

Posted by ProfessorCode on 2022/09/04 17:44

Hey all,

I spent all of today racking my brain for ideas. I've settled on making a rhythm-based game set in outer space. My inspiration for this mainly came from a music album called 'The Red Planet' by Rick Wakeman (Wikipedia). I haven't listened to it myself but I thought it will be nice to have a different take on the theme.

I cycled through a couple of names with 'beat' in it and ended up choosing 'BeatSpace' for the name of the game. I also have a rough idea of how the game should be now. I played around a bit and I think I can make it work. I hope to have a working prototype by the end of tomorrow.

Stay tuned for more updates! :-D

UPDATE: I also settled on using Pygame Zero to make the game.

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Planete Encore - more modeling

Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/04 17:16

getting some progress on the hero modeling...

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Planete Encore - Quick 3D setup

Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/04 16:21

Trying to progress on both the art & code...
Github is setup :

Now trying to define a visual look that feels like a "red planet" :)

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Planete Encore - Hero modeling

Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/04 15:29

Started to model the hero in 3D....
I'll go on a simple low poly structure that *might* support a surface subdivision

will see...

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Resupply - Sunday

Posted by yarolig on 2022/09/04 13:14


I have no idea what game to make yet. The first day is good to do some chores - fonts, menus, music.

This time I going to use pyglet and OpenGL 2.0.

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Planete Encore - Doodling the concept

Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/04 11:39

* 3D world
* the hero can walk on a 2D plane and rotate on Y
* it carries a light that cast shadows and hilite the enemies
* the enemies are crawling spheres going toward the hero
* some ideas about how to kill the enemies
* some ideas about what is the mission (prolly some items to gather)
* level is a desert place, with rocks, pebbles, and cactus

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Escape Velocity - Day 0

Posted by Anonymous4045 on 2022/09/04 01:27

Well, looks like we're off! I've been pretty exited for this, since I had a great time with PyWeek 33. This is my second game jam, and I'm hoping the feedback and experience I got from the last one will be useful now. I have some ideas for what my game might look like, implementing those ideas is the hard part though.

Last year I used PyGame exclusively for making the game and all the levels and it was... unwise, to say the least. This year, I am using Arcade, which (in my opinion) structures the code in a much better way. I am also using the Tiled level editor for making maps. For music, I will likely use Bosca Ceoil, Piskell for sprite creation, and Tenacity (Audacity fork) for editing sound effects.

I'm not participating to win, just to have fun and learn new things. Also, this year I will try a lot harder to rate other people's games, since last time I really didn't.

Once again, good luck and have fun everyone!

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GOGOGO - spending today learning pygame

Posted by simpsam on 2022/09/04 00:30

um i literally know nothing but i'm going into it because why the heck not

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The red planet: The planet of the King - prequisites

Posted by DR0ID on 2022/09/03 20:04


    git (on bitbucket)


    gfx artist
    sfx artist
    sound coder


    coding experience
    pyweek experience

Interested in implementing:

    entity renderer (to replace spritesystem)