Day 0

Well, looks like we're off! I've been pretty exited for this, since I had a great time with PyWeek 33. This is my second game jam, and I'm hoping the feedback and experience I got from the last one will be useful now. I have some ideas for what my game might look like, implementing those ideas is the hard part though.

Last year I used PyGame exclusively for making the game and all the levels and it was... unwise, to say the least. This year, I am using Arcade, which (in my opinion) structures the code in a much better way. I am also using the Tiled level editor for making maps. For music, I will likely use Bosca Ceoil, Piskell for sprite creation, and Tenacity (Audacity fork) for editing sound effects.

I'm not participating to win, just to have fun and learn new things. Also, this year I will try a lot harder to rate other people's games, since last time I really didn't.

Once again, good luck and have fun everyone!