September 2022 challenge: “The Red Planet”
Posted by KLLIONIC on 2022/09/05 08:01
Today I am going to learn to how to make a game using pygame via tutorials on youtube. This is my first competition and idk if i would be able to make a game or not.
Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/05 05:49
This morning I made a capture of the latest change I did last night before bedtime... the ability to run.
Just another `elif` in the logic and an additional animation thx to Mixamo :)
Now let's make a game out of this! :)
Posted by Anonymous4045 on 2022/09/05 04:14
Today I was decently productive. I made some prototype assets, and decided to switch away from Tiled and use Gimp + rendering a png instead. I'm facing some weird issues with collisions between objects that aren't actually colliding, but I should hopefully be able to fix that tomorrow. At this rate, I'm optimistic that I'll be able to have a finished game in time.
- Create a working prototype
- Create the remaining assets
- Create either multiple levels or one large level
- Polish the level(s)
- Create a starter menu
- Make sound effects and music
Phantasma - Day1: Determining scope, project flow and what to use.
Posted by Phantasma on 2022/09/05 04:12
4 out of the 5 themed seemed very favorable with the project I have In mind. I think I will create a simple 2D vertical Platformer for this one. I'll be using pygame for this challenge
Todo List for the next few days will include but not limited to
-Setting up the project framework
-Basic movement and jumping with player sprite
-Tinkering with physics, The red planet means I'm thinking mars style gravity.
-arts and stuff
I'm Also Juggling between work and school so this amplifies the challenge of time management. Day2 onward Should produce some screenshots and updates throughout the week.
Posted by Makonede on 2022/09/05 02:40
The first day is over! All we've got so far is... a basic, theoretically working collision system with no platforms and a sprite falling off the screen.
Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/04 20:30
Ok, here's the deal...
I have a simple 3D mesh (almost lowpoly, even though I enable the surface subdivision on it...)
I just tossed it on Mixamo, used the autorig wizard, and it's truely some wizardry!

Now searching in Mixamo if I can find a couple of decent animation for my character....
turmion - Initial setup for turmion
Posted by pax on 2022/09/04 20:01
Windows 11 and PyCharm. I want to use only the PyGame lib and the ray-casting algorithm. Let's create a new GitHub repo and start the coding...
Planete Encore - more modeling, should be enough at this point
Posted by Astrofra on 2022/09/04 19:35
OK, I think I will stop here on the modeling and start to focus on puting things in motion...
Next step will be to push this model to Mixamo and try to autorig it (then gather a few animations, idle, walk, run ... die ?)
Posted by aleksan149 on 2022/09/04 18:03
I drink moonshine. I'm gathering resources for the game. I want to do something perky)
Posted by FirApple on 2022/09/04 18:01
The idea we've settled on for our game is one where you're an alien from Mars with a flying saucer who needs to pick up farm animals and bring them back home to fill your petting zoo. Our tentative name is 'Olympus Mons Nature Society.'
We thought this style of game would best accommodate our admittedly limited knowledge of Python or Pygame. RedPlover has experience in using more robust game engines and a fair amount bit of python experience, and I have a little experience in robotics programming, with some knowledge of Python but no gamemaking experience. With all that said, we're hoping to have a lot of fun on this challenge!
Most of that above paragraph should probably have been written in our team description, but oh well...