October 2014 challenge: “One Room”
Fast Food - Day 5
Posted by Mach_5 on 2014/10/09 23:16
How to play:
After the game loads, press enter to start.
Choose what meal you would like to serve. Meals are the top row or either: Burgers, sodas, or fries.
For serving burgers:
1. Click on the Burger tab.
2. Click on the toppings your burger requires.
3. Click on the customer. If the burgers match, you score and continue.
For serving soda:
1. Click on the soda tab.
2. Click on the color of the soda you are serving.
3. Click on the person you are giving the soda.
For serving fries:
1. Click on the fries tab.
2. Click on the size of the fries.
3. Click on the person you are giving the fries.
If you have any ideas for the final, please share.
The Never Ending Dungeon - Can't tell if doing well or just blinded by present progress...
Posted by raubana on 2014/10/09 21:39
Darkroom - Added enemy - kind of
Posted by grummi on 2014/10/09 21:06
Yay, added an enemy. Well, not really. For now it's just an animated sprite.
Didn't have much time and motivation today to work on the game. I hope I can catch up tomorrow.
Pacewar - Explosions and meters and endings, oh my!
Posted by onpon4 on 2014/10/09 19:50
Since the AI is working on a basic level, I decided to make the game actually a game, rather than just some sort of free-form piloting toy. It's approximately the game I was going for now. Each team starts with 10 ships, and gains two ships each time it loses. So in the final round, the winning team has to beat 18 ships with 10. Given how hard I'm finding it to win, I might soften this to one ship per loss.
The meter I decided to use is this one, which works perfectly. Additionally, I added explosions (this explosion graphic and one of these explosion sounds). It looks and sounds fantastic!
For now, when the game ends, the music slowly fades out.
Dojo - Late start
Posted by vxgmichel on 2014/10/09 19:20
It's gonna be a minimalistic versus fighting game.
In one dojo, with one life, so one hit causes one win.
The gameplay is based on the fact that you can grab the walls and ceiling of the room to jump on your opponent.
After a few hours of work, I now have:
- 1 dojo
- 2 players
- keyboard support
- controller support
- gravity and wall collision
Now, the urgent todo-list before submission:
- handle characters collision.
- figure out a nice intuitive way of controlling the character moves.
- manage characters animations
- display score
- compatibility and packaging
The Family's treasure tale - Filling the room
Posted by wonderchef on 2014/10/09 18:56
Room3 - Bling, bling, shine, shine.
Posted by wezu on 2014/10/09 18:21
A lot of work done today:
- Lens Flare
- Bloom
- Screen Space Local Reflections
- Collision detection and movement
- Move animations
- Camera control
I did spend half of the day trying to code the moves with numbered tiles but it all fell apart once you move on the celling and then walk down a wall that you didn't use to get on the celling in the first place. I gave up on that, deleted my 64 case 'if-elif-else' chain and done the game logic/navigation with good old collision detection.
Thing are starting to look good :)
Pacewar - Bloodbath
Posted by onpon4 on 2014/10/09 11:20
The AI of Pacewar is going to consist of two basic behaviors: aggression, and self-preservation. I have implemented the latter behavior first. The result is something of an uncontrolled bloodbath.
The aggression behavior is rather simple: every few seconds or so, the closest enemy ship is chosen as the target to attack, and as long as there are no current threats (a threat will be defined later as either a bullet nearby or an enemy ship pointing at it), the default behavior is to thrust towards the target and shoot when in range.
Next up is the self-preservation behavior, which should give the AI the nuance it needs to be an actual threat.
The Never Ending Dungeon - I can't sleep.
Posted by raubana on 2014/10/09 08:34
I want to say it again, since it's been on my mind this whole time - I am pouring so much into this in so little time. The amount of character that this project shows is enough that I'd be emotionally shattered if no one noticed the amount of effort I've put into this. I know I shouldn't get my hopes too high, but I've got a good feeling I'm going to win this thing...
The Never Ending Dungeon - I'm not going to lie...
Posted by raubana on 2014/10/09 06:48