March 2010 challenge: “Wibbly-wobbly”
Blank Page - Blank Page on YouTube
Posted by pufuwozu on 2010/04/10 23:08
Here's the intro video, revealing some of the storyline:
Here's me playing the first level:
And here's me dying on the first level:
Bouncy 2 - Crash fix!
Posted by Srekel on 2010/04/08 12:27
The fix is simple: In "source/Level/", in the load function, add ".strip()" to this line, like so:
if line.strip() == "" or line[0] == "#":
Terraformancer - Terraformancer needs Pygame version 1.9
Posted by Trobadour on 2010/04/07 08:13
If you get an error, stating that pygame.Rect.copy() is not supported, then just update pygame to version 1.9.
Thanks to mmkay for that!
Stalk - Endless Path REQUIRES Python 2.6 and cython 0.12.1
Posted by richard on 2010/04/06 23:28
As mentioned in the README :-)
If you don't use these versions you will get a crash either at startup or as the game proper starts.
The Wobbling-House - some help to play
Posted by yoldi on 2010/04/06 13:20
Blob Job - Playing Blobjob
Posted by lucascaro on 2010/04/06 12:46
We have tested it and it works on linux and windows, for instructions on how to install you can also check the post-pyweek project page on:
If you have any problem playing please let me know.
Thank you
FoxRun - Are you facing problems running FoxRun?
Posted by gizmo_thunder on 2010/04/06 03:15
If you face any problems running it.. please let me know so that i can help you fix it and run :)
Just for recap.. here are the features you should look out for in my game:
- Full 3D game
- Dynamically generated in game puzzle.
- Dynamically generated map (object placement and road curves)
- 3D Key frame animation.
Please don't forget to rate my game.
Note that you can download the windows binary if you are facing problem installing pyglet.
happy rating..
Woger the wibbly wobbly wombat. - Woger the wibbly wobbly wombat, windows binawy.
Posted by illume on 2010/04/05 23:07
Here is our source code version:
Blank Page - AAAAAAH! Can't upload py2exe
Posted by pufuwozu on 2010/04/05 00:05
I just wanted to add the py2exe version of our game. I've uploaded it here, instead:
Sorry for the 10 second lateness.
Intestinvaders - Intestinvaders - online best times and replays
Posted by adam on 2010/04/04 22:04
We've made a very minor tweak to the way Intestinvaders stores its replays which should eliminate the strange inconsistencies which sometimes crept in when watching or racing ghosts recorded on machines with different architectures. Unfortunately, this has invalidated all of the existing replays, so we've had to reset the online hall of fame. Apologies to everyone who already had a score up there; we hope you might feel inspired to revisit the game and reclaim your lost glory some time during the next two weeks.
If you've downloaded a previous version of Intestinvaders, please make sure that you download version 1.0.4 below. If you keep playing using an old version, you won't be able to view any of the replays in the high scores, and your own high scores will be deleted from the server periodically as they fail verification. Your old best times will still appear in the local tables, but if you watch or race against your old ghosts, you'll likely see them driving into walls and otherwise behaving completely bizarrely.