

PyWeek Game Team Rating
39 Flow Habibis am Hustlen
38 Dish Deception TheCardi🐝s 4.00
37 The average British commute the backend boys 3.40
36 Dark Matter Mage JIM GANG 3.52
31 Cool Cop - Escape Game stöpsel 3.37
30 Pyrates stoepsel 2.67

Heuser's awards

The "Duncan Idaho" award for sword related fun. Presented by ntoll for Flow

Michelin 3-star rating Presented by mit-mit for Dish Deception

you have a smooth looking game Presented by leritrea for Dish Deception

The Most Game Ever Presented by SirBilby for The average British commute

you have a smooth looking game Presented by leritrea for Dark Matter Mage

The "Thumbs up" award for overt use of optimistic hand gestures in a screen shot. Presented by ntoll for Dark Matter Mage