
We don't even know her music



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coffee 2024/09/17 19:50
Our process of creating a game
coffee 2024/09/15 19:09

Diary Entries

Greetings from the kitchen

Dear Dairy,

today we received word of the delicious theme for this Pyweek.

We all set out to create the perfect recipe for success and hopefully find the right combination of ingredients to create a great menu...ehm game.

We have outlined the menu for the big night and now the ovens are warming up, the broth is starting to cook and we are deciding upon the right spices to use.

The kitchen team apologizes for the delay, one of the dishes received a bit more salt than was intended. The first screenshots will be served shortly.



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Dear Dairy,

we made the most of our day and added a lot of bits and pieces that are needed to build the foundation of our menu. The plate has been prepared, every pot has something boiling up and our pans are sizzling with all kinds of amazing stuff!

However something is odd. I could have sworn that my tomate soup was perfect and just ready to be served...but when I came back it was way to spicy and I had to start all over again.

I think the only one close to it while I was gone is coffee. I think he is up to something.



PS: Here are the appetizers we promised. 

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Something's wrong in this kitchen ...

Dear Dairy,

Today, we were up early in the kitchen and got to work right away! It was a lot of fun carrying the dishes and figuring out exactly how some of the tools work.

I was personally very busy preparing a stew made from almost all the food our kitchen has to offer. It was going great, and I absolutely nailed the taste! However, when I left, it burned so badly it even caught fire. I could have sworn I didn’t increase the heat... I did see Freezerino walk past the stove, though. Maybe he had something to do with it? Something is definitely wrong here...

Anyway, we’re making good progress, and by tomorrow, the starters should be ready!


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