I'll Cop Your Heart
Try to cop (steal) as many hearts as you can!
Note: All hearts copped are taken in an aromantic way.
This is a simple minigame. It requires the latest version of python (3.9), and the pygame and random modules.
I made this game solo. This is my second game jam, but my first pyweek. My goals were to actually finish the game and make something fun along the way, keeping accessibility in mind.
I also posted this on itch.io.
Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 3.1
Fun: 2.8
Production: 3.8
Innovation: 2.9
File | Uploader | Date |
— final
The final game. |
doodletaco | 2021/04/02 17:42 |
A screenshot of the menu screen. |
doodletaco | 2021/04/02 17:39 |
Diary Entries
Day 1: Completing the MVP
My goal today was to complete the minimum viable product, so I could ensure I leave this jam with a completed game.
I did finish my goal today, and have a playable game. It is lacking major features which I will work to add tomorrow.
I had a plan at the beginning of this jam for a more complicated game, though I struggled to make it work. I think this was because I did not practice at all with pygame beforehand. However, I managed to find a solution to something simpler, but still fun.

Day 2: A Day of Rough Polishing
My goal today was to add text, instructions, and a scoring system.
I met my goals, and even had time to go further. The game now has a score keeping system, where the high score is displayed on the menu. I also added text which explained how to begin the game. In addition, I added some music I found. Using Affinity Designer, I created a new menu screen, which is nicely polished.
I had two main problems today. The first was adding music, since the files I originally wanted were not compatible with pygame. However, I found some different files and managed to get them to play when they were supposed to. The second problem was I kept getting a display surface error. To fix that, I had pygame exit the file with exit(), in addition to pygame.exit()

Day 3: Making Art
Today's goals were to replace the placeholder art with finalized assets, and try to make it so that the same direction can't be activated twice in a row.
I did manage to create new assets and implement them into the game. However, I did not make any progress with preventing the same direction being activated twice.
Real life commitments prevented me from being able to spend as much time on the game as I wanted to today. However, I am still happy with my progress and confident that I can have a quality final product by the end of the jam.

Day 4: Polishing Some More
My goals today were to make it so that the game could not pick the same heart twice in a row, and also tweak the colors on the character in the center. In case I finished those early, I also added some other goals, which were to add a save system and visual feedback when the player made a mistake.
A lot of these tasks were easier to implement than I expected, and I finished them all. I also added new sprites for the center character, so he would point to the activated heart. I am starting to be happy where my game is.
I did not encounter many issues in actual development. However, I am starting to realize that I am running out of meaningful features to add to this game. I can only think of a couple before adding new things either hurts accessibility and fun, or ends up being significantly more effort than the benefit I would gain. Tomorrow might be when I finish the actual game, and then work on packaging it.

Day 5: Options!
After having a couple friends test my game, I was given new ideas for things to add. With anything I am adding now, my goal is to make sure everything I make adds to accessibility or fun.
Today I added toggles for the sounds and music, cleared up the goals in the README, allowed the player to exit the game by pressing the escape key, and created a button which would reset the save. I also began organizing and commenting my code. The game is just about done.
I encountered no major issues today.
Since the graphics have not changed at all, I feel sharing a screenshot would be redundant this time.
Day 6: Organization.
Yesterday I took an early night, but I will still update on my progress from then.
I wanted to reorganize my code and comment it, so it was more readable. Also, I wanted to add a visual indicator every 50 points.
My code is now cleaned up and thoroughly commented. I also added a slightly lighter background to be swapped in every 50 points.
There were no issues encountered today. Cleaning up my code was not too difficult.