PyWeek 8 has started and the theme is "Get off my lawn"

Good luck everyone!

Don't forget the advice in the help page or the folk hanging around in IRC at channel #pyweek!

Also, see the #pyweek Twitters.

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Hm, this was my least favourite theme, but Jakob had an idea that might turn out good.

Best of luck to everyone!
Good luck everyone. :)
Yowza. The theme we wanted won but its going to mean going full tilt at the art on my side.
back when i was young, we made games in assembly and made bitmaps with punchcards! damn kids and your python nonsense... get off my lawn!
Thank, nikolajbaer:

I know that: WHAT IS "get off my lawn",
thank you .
I knew it'd win, just because it sounds like a pyweek theme - The others don't.
I was really hoping it didn't. But now I guess I finally came up with a game concept for that. And has nothing to do with manly wet goffs. =)
wish i had sleeping bears...
I was hoping that sleeping bears would win, too.

Still, I had alot of fun!
richard, out of curiosity can we know the stats for theme vote?
@claxo: what stats in particular? The poll displays all the percentages and the total number of respondents...
@richard: precisely those in the the poll display _me blurs_( sorry ,I missed the link ). Thanks for answer.

wow, tatlin tower ranked 2nd. Thanks all deities it won other.