September 2024 challenge: “Traitor”
13 entries

Sundae Showdown
- — Sundae Showdown
pip install pygame
Game Instructions:
This is a 2 player game - player 1 controls Covar (with Red shirt) and Player 2 controls Valor (with Blue shirt).
Covar Controls:
W - Move up
A - left
S - down
D - right
Space - Aim with the mouse and hit space to throw an ice cream cone. Each cone does 2 points of damage to Valor.
Valor Controls:
Arrow keys - Move left, right, up, down
Shift - Valor has auto aim for his spoons. Hit shift to throw a spoon. Each spoon does 1 point of damage to Covar.
Aiming Mechanics:
Covar has to aim with his ice cream crosshair unlike Valor who has auto aim for his spoons.
Anti Camping Mechanics
When you are in the refill station you can not fire cones or spoons.
Player which loses all their hearts (health points) loses the game.
Team: smoktwix, Doger, Pykemon010

The Mysterious Tale of Inheritance at the Manor of Increasingly Preposterous Accidents
- — Game files including exe
How to run:
Install requirements.txt or latest version of pygame-ce/ Do not use previous versions of pygame-ce or the non-ce version
Go to /src/ file and run
Otherwise, run the .exe file if on windows, which is it the scr folder
Game instructions:
E - interact with objects, including doors and arrows that represent doors. Hides bodies.
W A S D and the arrow keys - move around the mansion.
Collect objects in the mansion, and use them on other objects to make them lethal.
Kill all the members of your family while avoiding being spotted collecting items,
arming items, or a dead body being seen.
The exclamation mark above people’s heads means they can see what you’re doing.
Known bugs:
There are some hitboxes around the beds and bookcases that you have to walk around.
preatomicprince - Code
Jsteele - Code and art
Vaugbe - Audio compiler/ideas guy?
Team: preatomicprince, Jsteele, Vaugbe

Brain Bug
- — Final Game
For decades, the Brain Bug Galactic Empire has watched our planet from the far reaches of space with hungry eyes. Now is the time to strike!
Control your alien brain bug as it infiltrates the mind of the president in a nefarious plot to turn him into a TRAITOR against humanity: use your mind control powers to turn the world's nuclear weapons upon itself, weakening humanity before the fleet arrives to enslave any survivors!
Requires: pyxel
Controls: Arrow Keys or ASDW
Play Online:
"Brain Bug" is built in pyxel, which can convert projects into HTML. You can play Brain Bug in the browser here:
Entrant: mit-mit

- — 2p Hotseat treason, better faster stronger
- — 2p Hotseat treason
The game can be played using only the mouse, click the play area to move your character and use the UI buttons to perform attack actions.
Keyboard controls are also available: WASD to move and M for Spin attack, B for bash Attack.
The players have 5 stamina per turn, actions have different stamina cost:
- Move: 1 stamina
- Bash: 2 stamina, deals 2 points of damage to the tile directly in front of the character
- Spin: 2 stamina, deals 1 point of damage to all tiles surrounding the character
Be aware that damage is only dealt during the Resolve phase, you need to guestimate where your opponent will be in order to hit them and win the game, or you could betray their trust and sneakily look over their shoulder while they are taking their turn, you TRAITOR!
We have used pre-made assets for VFX, Level and Characters:
Level and Player art: scrabling, 32 x 32 Pixel Isometric Tiles; Link:
VFX Sprites: BDragon1727, Effect and FX Pixel Part 12; Link:
Known issues: (Fixed in the repo, consider the ZIP build with these issues for pyweek judging)
Clicking anywhere except on a button during level-select will crash the game, please don't. (Any mouse button)
We originally planned for players taking turns in being the first player of each round, for equal treason opportunity, however player 1 is constantly getting the short end of the stick.
When the last song in the music list stops playing the game will crash, if you are unlucky (DC 5 - 1d20) that will happen 3:32 minutes after selecting a level.
Team: gurkwaan, Herjeman, Nils_W, Gulbyxan, timduvet, jollilala, Boop

Dish Deception
- — Source Code
Dear Dairy,
Wow finally one of those restaurants recognized my culinary genius and gave me a position as a chef!Even though it is clear as day that I am the best cook in town, maybe even in the country I still need to show the boss. Maybe then I can soon take over the restaurant.
My colleagues Jim, Bill and Jeff really do seem to think they are better than me though. Just because they have been doing this for 10 years doesn't mean they are better than me!
Seems like I need to make sure the dishes they make are not as well received. Maybe if they cause us to get enough bad reviews the boss will make me head chef by next week!
So the plan is easy:
1. Cook tasty dishes (an easy one for me!)
2. Sabotage my colleagues dishes (especially the ones from Jim, he is a real prick)
Luckily I was able to steal one of the menu plans for next week from the office. I can learn the recipes in advance now!
But I gotta make sure to also have a plan for sabotaging their dishes...maybe I can use the salt to ruin the taste of their dish? Or cut up some chillis to spice up the dish way too much. I mean the easiest way to ruin their food would be by just burning it or stealing their ingredients but I gotta make sure they dont catch me doing it!
The best chef around
A few hints on the side:
- If you get stuck press R to unstuck :)
- Sabotaging the dishes is only possible while in stealth mode. So in the case you want to oversalt an enemies dish: Grab the salt, go into stealth mode and hold interact with the dish in question.
- You can win the game by getting to a score of 250 first without being spotted (mind the suspicion meter at the top). Mind you: Points are only awarded for dishes that were actually ordered.
- You dont have to salt or spice to sabotage the other chefs. You can also move their plates to slow them down, misplace their ingredients or try to steal their dishes and hand them in before them.
- All assets (except fonts) were made by us :)

Team: coffee, Heuser, LavenderPixl, Freezerino, heybelia

Shadow of Doubt
- — Game FIles
python -m venv .venv
2. Enable the venv.
3. Install uv
pip install uv
uv sync
python src
W / Arrow UP - Jump
A / Arrow LEFT - Move left (back)
S / Arrow DOWN- Lean (down)
D / Arrow RIGHT - Move right (forward)
SPACE - Attack
SHIFT - Dash
ESC (while in game) - Pause the game
Team: Asher, Snipy7374, Peter312, Walkercito, SpookyExe, Scratcha, spark_07, Ununennium, Stovoy

- — Final entry v1
Play as a humble patrol bot. You must work to betray your programming and access systems you're not authorized for, while not giving yourself away to the other patrol bots. But don't take too long: if you fail to complete your assigned patrol route, the entire facility will go into high alert and you'll be caught for sure!
Requires pygame-ce (not pygame). See README.txt for setup instructions and gameplay tips.
Team: DR0ID, Cosmologicon

Knight of Betrayal
- — final submission
Sneak around and destroy the food supply, barracks, and towers without getting caught by the patrolling guards.
(all highlighted buildings are destructible)
Requirements: pygame and pytmx
Controls: WASD - move; E - destroy; LEFT MOUSE - attack;
You have 4 minutes to destroy as much as you can, when the time expires (or you get caught) the battle will begin!
Depending on how much stuff you destroy the battle will either be easier or harder.
Entrant: JustAnotherCode

Bullied Hell
- — gamefile
Requires Python 3.12 and pygame 2.6.0. To play: python3
Sadly started 8h before the Deadline and had not enough time to fix the voicelines because the game would crash if not commented out.
Entrant: WiNic

Farmers Betrayal most Fowl
- — Source Code for the game. If you cant run the exe, try running this on your IDE.
Game Title: Farmers Betrayal most Fowl
A 2D platformer where the chicken farmer sends his best chicken to take back the eggs stolen by their rival. This game is nothing more than one big chicken joke.
Files provided for this game:
The Zip containing the Readme and exe file
The zip containing the source code
The game design document for this game.
Plans and strategies applied for this game jam:
-Create Game Design Document
-Make coding framework and functioning prototype of the game.
-Gameplay stuff based on theme
-make sprites and assets(done ONLY after the prototype is finished)
What I didn't have time for:
- Did as much artwork as possible before the time ran out.
- Sound and music didn't get implemented.
- More Chicken jokes and memes
I plan on hatching a fleshed out updated version of the game in the future. Probably on We'll see.
Entrant: Phantasma

Knight's Honor
- — the game
A knights errant is seeking to perform extrodinary feats to elavate honor and fame when he finds a dwarf who is begging for a boon...
Requires Python 3.12.6 and pygame 2.6.0. To play: python3
code, music, art by me but not sound effects
Entrant: speedlimit35

- — Final Submission (unfinished)
TLDR: I prioritized bug-fixing and further engine development based on the requirements of my game. Because of this I ran out of time to finish my entry. I'll be more prepared next time.
To run the test file install the Loxoc dependency and run the main file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
# or if on windows
* WASD to move.
* Mouse to look.
* E to interact and pick up objects.
* Click to shoot (Although it doesn't really do anything at the moment).
* R to restart the scene.
The supported platforms are Windows and Linux, although in the future I plan on releasing Loxoc wheels for Mac-OS as well.
Here's a GIF of the test scene for those curious:

Entrant: python_lord

Murder at the Masquerade
- — Murder at the Masquerade. Windows version.
- — Murder at the Masquerade. Final entry.
Entrant: Tee