September 2024 challenge: “Traitor”

50 entries

Knotty Kaa

We'll definitely do it this time.... definitely 🐍

Team: Dudnikov, rikovmike, Juna_Gala

The Yambol Warrior

Proud bulgarian

Entrant: Konstantin



Entrant: Tee


Entrant: TheKing


We make games where you beat up aliens and rats and run away from shadows.

SmokTwix forever :-)

Team: smoktwix, Doger, Pykemon010


Entrant: Skander_123


Back for Round 2, minus one person.

Team: Xrunfun, SirBilby


Entrant: Chuchumuru


Entrant: RobbeF


We don't even know her music

Team: coffee, Heuser, LavenderPixl, Freezerino, heybelia


Let's see.

Entrant: bharadwajraju


I am new to the contest. Onto learning pygame.

Entrant: scarletkite27


I just found this site today. Look forward to the comp!

Entrant: skillfulbanana



Entrant: RicBin


Entrant: AURR0RA


Info TBD

Entrant: TurtleRecursion

Nerdy Bears

I am a bear, I am a nerd, my name is near bear!

I have 3 years of experience working with python (Tkinter, Panda, requests, TTK Bootstrap, etc...)
Also I have been learning C++ for the past 3 months (OpenGL 2D and 3D rendering, Win32 API GUIs, binary file manipulation, libCurl, etc...)
Aswell as standard skills with HTML, CSS, Javascript, typescript, and a tiny bit of PHP

Also made a custom interpreted programming language with C++ (Lexer & Parser & Half a interpreter rn)

Here is some basic website I made: too broke to by a domain name
and here are some stupid little projects im working on:

Entrant: nerd-bear  (Join this team?)

Team ISI

to be written

Entrant: greenflame41  (Join this team?)


Last time we DNF'd due to inactivity amongst us (kids n stuffs). This time we will try not to DNF and make something fun!

Team: gurkwaan, Herjeman, Nils_W, Gulbyxan, timduvet, jollilala, Boop


Hi everyone!  I will be participating using my custom 3D python game engine Loxoc.  I am excited to participate in PyWeek as my first ever game jam. I wish everyone the best of luck!

Entrant: python_lord



Entrant: Devvig


Hi, the aim is to make the games that we not our users enjoy and make more games with more motivation till moon :rocket:

Team: vagish, 12944qwerty, sun_dream, daylight, nerd-bear, Baratheon, Midnight, jotajota, podosci, Lord-Mistborn, 1knock, midget  (Join this team?)

Mental workout

Solo dev that's mentally working out to manage school and this.

Entrant: TNTy100


Entrant: emille42



Entrant: speedlimit35

Mr Matho

After my pregvious entry was not a complete failure - I figured I would go around again. 

Entrant: mr_matho


big watermelons for the win

Entrant: THEjxlux


Looking forward to my 20th pyweek :)

Entrant: mit-mit


On my way to learn Pygame.

Entrant: Gimpy

I'm a Good Developer

G'day, I'm new to this competetion so goodluck to me!

Entrant: HowDoICode

Phantasma Pyweek 38 Game

Title Placeholder until later in the project.

Plans and strategies for this one:

-Create Game Design Document

-Make coding framework

-make sprites and assets

-Gameplay stuff based on theme

As much as possible in one day hopefully. Working on details will come later.

Entrant: Phantasma


Settle the stars to grow your empire. Clear the way with negotiations. Then break those negotiations.

Entrant: rudiger


Hi! This will be my first game jam where the game will be made using Python.
I normally work in Godot, but since a friend told me about this jam I thought why not give it a go and see how things turn out.

I don't expect a lot just a good fun competition with a lot of learning ^-^

Entrant: jako

untitled lime game

🫴 limegang 4 🍋

Team: preatomicprince, Jsteele, Vaugbe

team 1

Entrant: Apex


I am an python noob, so i am only gonna see pyweek as an fun event. Winning is not my goal. I am being an individual.

Entrant: Rolliepiek