September 2024 challenge: “Traitor”
Murder at the Masquerade - Murder at the Masquerade: Postmortem
Posted by Tee on 2024/10/06 16:10
TRAITOR BOT 9000 (TB9) - It's parallax layers, but different
Posted by DR0ID on 2024/09/24 19:00

Parallax planes, but different
1. early development, everything flat, only lines and squares
2. first attempt to draw in pseudo 3D, didn't look great
3. second attempt, much better looking, how?
4. it's done using layers, e.g. guard consists of 7 layers
5. also the console, door opener and treasure are rendered with layers: 3 layers were enough
6. walls need a different technique: pygame-ce has no method to draw textured polygons. So the walls are drawn line by line, each adjusted in place and length
7. showing the layers of the robots.
The layers are displaced like a parallax layer, but in front instead of behind the main layer as usual.
Here some screenshot how it looks in the game:

Farmers Betrayal most Fowl - 7-Day Diary Summary
Posted by Phantasma on 2024/09/22 19:44
Day 1:
- Nothing much happened on the first day. Just brainstorming ideas on how I can make a game that fits into the theme. There were some cool and funny ideas, nothing too concrete.
Day 2:
-shortly after I woke up, I thought of a funny chicken themed game that fits well with the theme. It immediately became my favorite idea worth sticking with to the very end. Worked on creating a Game Design Document to layout what I need to do to accomplish this as well as a development timeline.
Day 3-5:
- Coding and framework begins. I explicit made it so I focus solely on gameplay mechanics before even considering adding textures/sprites. This surprisingly took the longest to achieve simply because of the movement mechanics I wanted to implement. I was also struggling significantly on collision detection between the player and all the other objects.
Day 6:
-This is where finishing this project is going to cost me sleep....big time. Once I was satisfied with how the player moves and solved the issues with collisions it was time for level design.
Update: Almost forgot to mention this but my CPU overheated and shut off my PC mid game dev. Extreme worry sets in and had to check what's causing it. Turns out I'm overdue for new thermal paste on my CPU. Got that fixed rather quickly. My PC is fine since. Imagine not finishing a game jam because your PC died on you...
Day 7:
-After finishing the level design, I realized that I have a minimally viable product that I could submit now. From here on out I was trying to implement all the sprite art and background as much as I could before the time is up. I was never able to get sound and music implemented. Plus, the lack of sleep between day 6-7 has got me physically and mentally drained.
24-hour upload time:
- Game is packaged and ready to go. I'm considering sharing my Game Design Document which details the development process as well as a timeline of every task I've completed or not completed.
Best wishes to everyone who stuck out to the end. I look forward to playing your games soon!
Dish Deception - I DID IT
Posted by heybelia on 2024/09/22 09:57

Not by learning how to cook better, but by SABOTAGING my friends and colleagues!
I have spiced their soups, I have salted their ice-creams, I have burned their steaks into ash, swept up under the kitchen tiles.
Noone suspected a thing!
TRAITOR BOT 9000 (TB9) - Game uploaded
Posted by Cosmologicon on 2024/09/21 23:43
Knight's Honor - Send bugs here please
Posted by speedlimit35 on 2024/09/21 23:32
??? - Unable to Finish Entry
Posted by python_lord on 2024/09/21 21:00

Knight of Betrayal - Finished in time!
Posted by JustAnotherCode on 2024/09/21 16:06
Brain Bug - Game Complete
Posted by mit-mit on 2024/09/21 11:39
Knight of Betrayal - Finished the map with Tiled!
Posted by JustAnotherCode on 2024/09/20 15:05