August 2015 challenge: “Data data data”
Datapawn - Underway at last
Posted by scav on 2015/08/09 20:37
Not your data - Day 0 : Game design
Posted by Gato on 2015/08/09 15:57
Sysadmin - Probably the only day I'll do any serious coding
Posted by HipetyHopit on 2015/08/09 14:29
Programmable war - Day 1
Posted by knowledge on 2015/08/09 13:46
You program your soldiers!I've posted small program image (currently doesn't work) but I'm working on it.
Cleanerbot - CleanerBot
Posted by etmaifo on 2015/08/09 12:44
The Gödel Sentence - Day 1 - End
Posted by paulpaterson on 2015/08/09 05:22
The end of a short day (US timezone).
I've got the health model and the conversation engine built. These are two of the most important components.
I'm part of the way through building the visual components. Tomorrow is my only full day on the project as I'm tied up on Friday / Saturday of next week. So I need to get the game up and running and get a good deal of the dialog written and at least make a start on the graphics.
I'm probably about an hour behind where I planned but overall the progress is good.
Data Wipe - Data Wipe -- Now in game form
Posted by Quikli on 2015/08/09 01:38
igikikat gribrod - Theme chosen! Off we go!
Posted by assertivist on 2015/08/09 01:20
Since pygame has given me so much trouble the last couple pyweeks, and I'm far more familiar with Panda3d anyway, we've decided to use that and go 2.5d this pyweek, and our intention is to use some 2d graphics arranged on a 3d world somehow, with 2d mechanics etc. I'm sure everyone's familiar with such a setup.
We've got 3 ideas to work on, and they all have some common infrastructure so I'm going to be working on that while my genius artist friends work on evolving an organic concept/feeling. I'm really excited by all 3 ideas we've come up with so far, and while they're not all the way fleshed out, we have some extra help this time around to make sure we have an interesting story and atmosphere.
While really this theme was at the bottom for me, I really could have gone for any of them. I love Sherlock Holmes and I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with this week.
The Gödel Sentence - Day 1 - Start
Posted by paulpaterson on 2015/08/09 01:07
Just getting started on my game, "The Godel Sentence".
This is going to be a story-driven game where you have to make some tough decisions by weighing up the various kinds of data available to you. Of course there will not be enough, or maybe there will be too much, who can tell!
I'm going to use pgzero, which seems quite nice and will save quite a bit of time building an engine.
Good luck to everyone!
Programmable war - Day 0
Posted by knowledge on 2015/08/08 17:34
Installing Mind 0.3 again.
And seeing my evil plan again. Take a look.
PyWeek 20 theme plans Themes: 1 Data data data 2 Discombobulate 3 Is it poison? 4 Purification 5 Sheer bloody panic +++ Kolmogorov complexity [1] Testing is chemical dangourus on molecular level [3] Testing is chemical dangourus with wierd data [1] [3] Hacking into someone brain and trying to confuse him by making mess and panic [2] [5] Changing some values in brain so it confuses him [1] [2] [5] Lucid game when you try to intoxicate yourself [2] [3] [4] [5]And finally shutting my computer down
See you in 6 hours!