April 2007 challenge: “The only way is up”
53 entries

Isle of the Cursed Phoenix
- Phoenix.tar.gz — Final version of the game.
A roguelike-like set on an isle turning to fire from the coast inwards. You have to find phoenix feathers, reach a mountain and conjure a rainbow bridge to escape — preferably without being killed!
(The submitted version below is Linux only; a post-deadline cross-platform Pygame version is also available. The gameplay is identical in both versions.)
Entrant: Alya

The Olde Battleaxe 4
- toba_bubble_kong-1.0.zip — Bubble Kong final submission
Get The Deluxe Version Here!
When you play - make sure to check out all 3 phases - Jungle, Volcano, and Moon!
Game a bit tough? Press F10 for God Mode.
Team: pekuja, philhassey, timinge, mjau, DrPetter, ronlybonly

- delta_v-r2.zip — Source code
Entrant: alex

Woody Tigerbaum's Interplanetary Package Delivery (Big Dice Games - PW4)
- BDG_07_04.zip — RC3 Windows and Source
Script for intro movie: "Hi, I'm Woody Tigerbaum, founder and owner of Woody Tigerbaum's Interplanetary Package Delivery. I've just spent millions of dollars installing our patented PACKAGE SLINGSHOTS on buildings and structures throughout the Solar System [do not try this at home], to get your package there faster, guaranteed! [not a guarantee] So, remember, if the only way to go is UP [the only way to go is up] for your PACKAGE, the only place to go is HERE; Woody Tigerbaum's Interplanetary Package Delivery." [offer not valid in Delaware]
Entrant: tsmaster

- SammyTheSquirrel-0.2a.zip — Learn what it is like to be a *true* flying squirrel. Just watch out for those birds! Seriously, this game is pretty rough, but not bad for a bunch of newbies :) Go PyWeek!

Gang of 6
- midnight-0.8.zip — Unfinished yet playable game. We plan to continue development
Team: CPUFreak91, Xian Lee, Mike_W, IrishCream, samw3, D-SIPL

[HUN]Mindless Game Studio
- sky_journey-v1.0b.zip — Beta version
return """
A funny game where your aim is to reach the heavens with your balloon, while drawing magic runes into the air to cast various dangers away.

PrintStar Part III
- elevate-win32-1.zip — Elevate - for win32 systems (py2exe'd)
- elevate-source-1.zip — Elevate - complete version
Entrant: PrintStar

Team Jihad
- sub-1527.tar.gz — This is our final submission. A hell of a ride, folks.
- sub-1514.tar.gz — test
- sub-1419.tar.gz — test
- sub-1300.tar.gz — test
- sub-1217.tar.gz — test
Subterraneman: Jeopardy Below!

- slacker_2007_04_07-1-sourceonly.zip — This is the first final version of the game. It isn't packaged, but all source is included.
Update 2007/04/21: There is a new post-PyWeek version of the game (version 1.2) that I have now uploaded to the PyWeek directory. Some of the updates are:
- Game no longer quits after losing, but restarts automatically
- ESC exits
- Added animations for showing falling blocks that are missed
- Updated graphics for consistency
- Added a more fun and rewarding win screen to congratulate the player
- Tower is shown after win/lose so that you can see how you did
- Packaging is now supported for Mac/Windows (though haven't yet gotten Mac binary under 20 megs)
So I woke up on the last day of PyWeek competition and thought, "Hey, I could make a game!"
You are looking at the results of the sa(i)d attempt.
It's a clone of an annoyingly addictive game that I played at a restaurant one time that offered an iPod or PSP or Nintendo as prizes, and if you could stack the blocks to the top, you would win the prize. Use this game to practice for the arcade, and if you win an extra iPod as a result, maybe you could send one my way. :)
In other news, this game was also designed to be a one-switch game, meaning that since it is played entirely through the space bar, it is able to share enjoyment (and annoyment) to those who aren't able to use more complex control systems.
I guess since other people are posting hints to their games, I can as well. If you're having a hard time and want to make things a little easier, try pressing F1 a couple of times.
Entrant: HanClinto

Pywiii: PyAr presents: "Grossini's Hell"
- gHell2.zip — final entry for pywiii (second try)

Team: riq, facundobatista, alecu, lucio, tenuki, hugoruscitti, leito, nrm

Ninja on the Wall
- NinjaOnTheWall_0.7_simono.zip — windows+linux tested; exe version included; for best experience play fullscreen; if game is slow, switch off music (AND play fullscreen!)
I finished my gory shoot-them-up plattform game and it got ropes too!! I've been playing it the whole afternoon with a couple of friends, blasting away those evil scientists.

It's slow. If you have less then 1Ghz, it will be really sluggish... in that case try turning off the music + playing fullscreen. I recommend 2 Ghz and fullmoon for total pleasure.
It's got this really easy to use level editor, and I've already got sent a lot of nice levels - will probably setup a level-exchange page sometime next week. Of course a tutorial is included too, that will make you familiar with the gameplay basics. But I for one enjoy the Endless Wall most...that's I can show off my l33t rope swinging acrobatics (of course playing in ultra-violent mode)
THE OTHERSI'm amazed what all the other teams/coders put together in one week. I'm looking forward to every single final version and will definitly enjoy testing those. I think it's too early to pick favorites, but especially the ones with totally new gameplay mechanics impressed me the most. Great job everyone!
So thanks for all the fish, es war mir ein Volksfest. Great organization and motivation by the pyweek-team (I think richard is the main man behind all this?) and see you again later this year....
Entrant: simono

- MarineRescue_6.zip — Full screen toggle, some bug fixes :)
Entrant: gizmo_thunder

Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit
- Escape-1.2.tar.gz — final
Linux users need Boost 1.33.1 and Audiere 1.9.4
For Gentoo? users: "emerge boost" will do the trick
For Ubuntu users:
Quick and dirt patch to make it in Ubuntu (feisty)
# apt-get install libboost-python1.33.1
# cd /usr/lib
# ln -s libboost_python-gcc-mt-1_33_1.so.1.33.1 libboost-python1.33.1
openSUSE 10.2 comes with Boost 1.33.1 packages, they just need to be installed from the DVD or online source.
Fedora Core 5 & 6, have Boost 1.33.1 packages available online, too.
Download this: Audiere 1.9.4
extract, and in the folder type:
sudo make install
Hopefully this fixes it for all the Linux users out there.

- Gliders-0.5.zip — More levels!
- Gliders-0.4.zip — First playable version!
Entrant: eltriuqS

- gunboy.zip — Very final product.
- gunboy.tar.gz — Very final product
Entrant: john
- RopeSwing-1.0.zip — Final Python Source version
Entrant: SimRex

Team Zankar II - The Revenge
- towertrial.zip — Final Version
- towertrial-rc3.zip — RC3 I'd be happy with if this was the last one
- towertrial-rc2.zip — RC2, Has every feature on my 'must have' list
- towertrial-rc1.zip — RC1, still not really complete
Entrant: atiaxi

- pyclimb-1.0.zip — PyClimb - 'The Only Way is Up'
Entrant: wegstar

Gin & Pythonic
- 666luftballons-3.zip — Release complete with music
- 666luftballons-2.zip — New and improved
- 666luftballons-0.1.zip — Game with sounds
- 666luftballons.zip — Game
Team: jvloothuis, THijs

Team Quicksilver
- TeamQuicksilver1.25.zip — our final final!
- TeamQuicksilver1.0.zip — our final entry, short of anything else ;)
- TeamQuicksilver0.75.zip — our fall-back release
Yay! we finished
Read our "instructions on running the game" post before trying to play( http://pyweek.org/d/868/)!!!!!!!

Blancmange: Kid Bandyhoot's Adventures (in cylindrical coordinate space)
- KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v1.0.zip — Blancmange FINAL
- KidBandyhootsCrazyAdventures-v.99.zip — An early final of Kid Bandyhoot's crazy adventures in cylindrical coordinate space

Super Spelunker
- spelunker.zip — Final (?) version
Entrant: mangobrain

Grnd H1 0v3l0rd 0f t3h L33t!!11!eleventy-one
- l33t death laser game-0.1.zip — Our final and only (during the competition anyway) submission
Welcome to World Corporation
- wwc-win-0.8.zip — py2exe'd version
- wwc-0.8.zip — Welcome to World Corporation
Entrant: Tee

The Incredible Car Stunt
- TheIncredibleCarStunt.tar.gz — The martians are invading planet Earth and only Stuntsman can stop them! Source code licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2, graphics and audio files licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Brazil.
Entrant: shundread

Ascent of Justice - Trailblazer 3.0
- Ascent-0.5-src.zip — Final Entry

Lead your skilled hero through the building, dodging cameras, guards, and climbing endless ladders. Find your enemy and take back what is yours!
Entrant: mcferrill

The Villainy of Cat Food Inc.
- pw4-villainy_cat_food_inc.zip — Final version for pyweek. Doesn't use the Skellington, sorry.....
Latest version runs on Python 2.4, too. ;)
Team: ServalKatze, Zahmekoses

- tictactoe3-1.2.zip — Zip file containing the game
- tictactoe3-1.1.zip — Zip file containing the game
- tictactoe3-1.0.zip — Zip file containing the game
Entrant: jjinux

- hermes-w32.zip — win32 binaries
- hermes.zip — game itself
As an ancient god you have to deliver messages to gods settled in hight of Olympia or at least try ti.
Arcade game motivated by Ice Tower. Try to discover combos :).
Entrant: adragon

Awesome block game 2 -- return of the block : The story of one block against the world
- abg2-rotb.zip — my final entry. It's fun.
- abg2-7.zip — Near finished version. Got lots of nice things.

Entrant: eugman

Dam Builder
- dambuilder-1.0-buildout.tgz — Dambuilder - buildout version with PyGame, ODE, PyODE included. See INSTALL.txt
- dambuilder-1.0-windows.zip — Dambuilder 1.0 Windows version
- dambuilder-1.0.tgz — Final source entry for dambuilder

selsine 2.0
- swing_up-1.0.zip — This is my final entry, the game isn't done, real world got in the way but here it is anyway!
Entrant: selsine

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
- allefant.zip — my final (unfinished) entry

Entrant: allefant

Jason Whitlark
- bubblistic.tar — my game
Entrant: jwhitlark

- pyramid_online_prefinal.zip — prefinal
Team: Treeform, Hex Decimal, lans, Snarius

Team Spîk
- Cellular-Last.zip — Final Src for Pyweek 4
- Cellular-Final.zip — Unless I crank out some super duper features, this is the final Cellular
Entrant: feakk

Fluffy Menace
- evolution-1.1.zip — Source submission (works anywhere)

Team Fluffy Menace are Richard, fydo and JDruid. Together at last! Bring on the PyWeek!

Death Tower
- deathtower1.0.zip — Deathtower 1.0 - Final Submission!
Entrant: Cthulhu32

Hectic Game Development
- whichwayisup_b055.zip — Python source code version of my (hopefully) final submission. Which way is up? beta 0.55.
- whichwayisup_b055_bin.zip — Windows binary version of my (hopefully) final submission. Which way is up? beta 0.55.
A traditional and challenging 2D platformer with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue.
Team: All code, graphics and sounds by Hectigo aka. Olli Etuaho
Stay updated about the development of the game by visiting the game's home page: Which Way is Up. The next big release after PyWeek, 0.7.0, was published in May with one new enemy type, 7 new levels, better animations and more. And I plan to continue development beyond that.
Entrant: Hectigo

Balloon Escape
- BalloonEscape-1.0.zip — Final version!
Entrant: xorbit

- PyTower 1.0rc1.zip — RC1
Entrant: Mikle

Vandelay Industries
- gasbagfollies-vi-pyweek4.zip — 3d8a34cd4283e577112970fceec58c3e

- Probe-0.7.zip — Distance and angle measurements
- Probe-0.6.zip — System display zoom in/out
- Probe-0.5.zip — Probe Design and Funding Requests
- Probe-0.4.zip — Data collection and display implemented
- Probe-0.3.zip — Course corrections can now be made
- Probe-0.2.zip — Does something useful now
Study your planets. Plan your mission. Design your probe. Launch your probe and watch it blow up crash into a planet fly a successful mission and gather oodles of valuable scientific info. All while staying within budget.
Entrant: gcewing

Dashman DX
- DashmanDX.zip — DashmanDX py2exe build
- dashmandx_final.tar.gz — Final Game (16 levels)

A dash-em up featuring hardcore walljumping and breath-taking music by super multifaros (http://multifaros.info.se)
Entrant: buffi

Century of the Fruitbat Moving Picture Publishing Company - with 1000 elephants
- cent_of_fb_0.9.zip — Final submission
- cent_of_fb_0.8.zip.zip — pre-pre-final, dont play until next version
- cent_of_fb_0.5.zip — Friday night's beta version, hopefully more tomorrow. READ README TO LEARN HOW TO PLAY
- upupaway-0.2.zip — First somewhat real demo! Watch as your people suffocate and die! Speed up the process by clicking on them to shoot them!
Python + pygame + 1000 elephants = edge of seat excitement

Burn the Training Wheels
- busy_busy_bugs_final.zip — Busy Busy Bugs Final
- busy_busy_bugs.zip — Busy Busy Bugs
Entrant: craigm

MathJumper - The quest for the holy integral
- MathJumper_Source-1.1.zip — FinalGame
- MathJumper_saturdaymorning.rar — The game is actualy playable now!