Yet another screen.. showing off mines and explosions


Im' back, i missed pyweek3 plan to make up for that by making a great game this time. :D


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.8
Fun: 2.6
Production: 3.3
Innovation: 2.6

Respondents: 40


File Uploader Date
Source of the updated version, based on comments
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/22 10:10
Win32 Binary with fixes based on comments
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/22 10:09
Full screen toggle, some bug fixes :)
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/07 06:37
Yet another screen.. showing off mines and explosions
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/07 05:36
changed a lot since my prev screen :D spent the whole evening today on this.
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/06 22:32
Starting screen of the game notthing fancy.. simple and clean
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/06 22:31
Second Screen shot.. MarineRescue
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/04 20:04
First screen shot
gizmo_thunder 2007/04/01 14:29

Diary Entries

Help Admin..

Hi, I created two entries by accident how do i remove them? I tried removing myself from the team but there is some server error. Thank you

1 comment

Screen shots

I have decided on the game idea, it will be a submarine saving the people under water. The only way is up for sending the rescued people to safety. Done some drawing and playing with alpha surfaces. Here is where i got so far.


My first final submission..

I have almost completed my game. It's playable and has every thing that a game needs (menus, different levels, camera effects, sounds). Planning to add more misc stuff. Till then this would be it :) Here are the current screens:

1 comment

More Goodies

  • Water splash when explosion near water surface.
  • Water splash sound.
  • Screen shake when mine explodes.
  • Improved scoring system
  • Removed one of the clouds image.

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SegFault Error

Hi, im' using WinXP, python2.5, pygame1.7 around 4-5 games have crashed while running with the Segfault message. Does anybody else face this problem? ill' post the names of the games which crashed a little later.


Menu Killed The GAME

I guess the menu in my game irritated quite some people :) sry about that. Any way.. i uploaded a new version with following modifications:
  • Menu key fix (esc to quit, enter to continue)
  • Added requirement to rescue certain number of divers to complete a level.
I did not add the later feature before coz i thought people would try to make maximum score rather than just skip levels. Guess i thought wrong :D

1 comment