PyWeek - Team Momojo - feedback

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


This is trippy. :) I like how each boss has a different strategy, though that wasn't clear at first. I thought that the bar was the boss' health at first, so that got me confused. I think I would have had more fun if the game were more forgiving with the restarts (e.g. checkpoints), especially because you don't know how to beat the bosses at first. The aesthetics and style of this game really stand out.

Fun 2 Prod 4 Inno 2


Not interested in getting an epileptic attack. There are no hints of what causes damage on a boss or not (could not be passed 1st one).

Fun 3 Prod 5 Inno 4


A retro-psychedelic demoscene masterpiece. I would have thought this game was
the coolest thing in the early nineteen nineties.

Everything is authentic from the bad dithering to the occasional CGA colouring
on the awful sprites to the bad short voice effects.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


Fun for a couple of playthroughs. The graphics are, er, interesting - though different is good

Fun 4 Prod 2 Inno 4


Hallucinogenic space shooter!
I finished 3 levels. Well it is fun. And I want to play more but it hurts.
It works well but I reduced Production rating because it lacks setting for difficulty or graphics or whatever. And the game really needs these settings. There should be mode that don't hurt eyes.

Fun 2 Prod 4 Inno 4


Yep, that sure was weird alright.

Fun 2 Prod 4 Inno 4


Really cool aesthetics. Great use of pseudo 3d and the kaleidoscope effect. Nice job on the boss design. It was just too hard for me, I think. After I died 10 times to the second boss I hacked it to give myself more time. I hope that doesn't offend! I had the same issue here I had with Star Fox: it's hard for to tell when I'm aligned with a target, because the scale of everything is so arbitrary. Ultimately I found the easiest way to survive the levels was to swing the mouse all over the place rather than aiming.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


Definitely the most psychedelic pyweek game I’ve ever played: the crazy colour graphics were really very special, and my eyes and brain still hurt for several minutes after playing. I liked the game concept, it was quite fun and challenging: I had real issues trying to get past the second boss.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


I loved playing this game - I had a huge grin on my face at all the goofy touches. Nice and simple but really well executed. Nice one. :-)

(BTW I ran from source on Linux since I couldn't get the manylinux version to run).

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 3


the visuals were dizzy but very good. I liked the sounds.

Fun 3 Prod 5 Inno 4

Unicorn Markets

You are truly artists my friends. God, I wish we had the drugs here that you have in Dutchland. I really enjoyed the experience.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 4


I love it. The overall game experience felt quite coherent in its own, psychedelic, my-computer-is-broken kind of style. The control scheme was simple but responsive and clear. The sounds "just worked" with the graphics, and the bosses had their own patterns that you had to discover. Though, not everything was as clearly conveyed; I thought at first that the bar at the top was a graphical glitch, and then I thought it was the boss health bar.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


Some later levels are a bit too hard/fast for me. Only got to level 6. Interesting visual design.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


A thousand saxophone voices talk as I insert words here (spaghetti dripping down my reference) when I step into an image of a space folder turning the dub on a endless wheel of flowing sprinklers -but the motes are just semi coloured, so my buttons only half miss the umbra of its shadow, so it's fine. I guess?

Fun 4 Prod 2 Inno 5


WTF but in a good way, though I think it won't please everyone xD
I found the bosses weak points hard to find, sometimes I couldn't find them at all!

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 3


I understand games being artistic but this is beyond. Not sure if i can recommend this game for others to try out. Good effort though.

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 2


It looks really cool but is hard to look at for long periods of time. There's also not much to actually do.