Level 3 Screnshot

Phantasma's Basic Pipe Puzzle

Phantasma's Basic Pipe Puzzle

Inspired by the various pipe puzzle games, this game is one of the many replicas of pipe puzzle games spanning all the way back to the NES era.

<excerpt from readme above>

Managed to make a game this time around. Give this short and simple game a go. find bugs(if any) and most of all, have fun. :)


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.7
Fun: 2.7
Production: 2.6
Innovation: 2.9

12% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 7


File Uploader Date
The Game
Phantasma 2024/03/24 15:13
Source Code for the game
Phantasma 2024/03/24 15:11
Level 3 Screnshot
Phantasma 2024/03/24 15:00
Level 1 Screenshot + In game tutorial
Phantasma 2024/03/24 15:00
Main menu screenshot
Phantasma 2024/03/24 14:59

Diary Entries

Day 1 Diary Summary: Design Doc and Initial framework setup

Written up a design document for this game jam that I will update as the event goes on. On the coding aspect I've built a basic framework of the game. At the moment I'm primarily focused on navigating between the main menu and the following selections:
  • Gameplay
  • Options
  • Credits

As for the python module choice I've chosen PyGame for this challenge.

Thinking of making one of those pipe puzzle games. I'll start posting screenshots on the next diary entry.

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Day 2 Diary Summary: Menu screen and scene navigating progress

Overslept last night. Making up for the hours lost. Until then I'll post screenshots later tonight when its ready.

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Day 3-5 Diary Summary: Long gap, but work in progress!

Apologies for the lack of "Daily" status update, but I've been busy with both work AND this PyWeek project. Here's what has been happening since the last diary update.

Main menu at the start of the game at its minimum is finished. Users can navigate between starting the game, accessing options(empty now), credits(also empty), and quitting the game.

I've also created pipe objects that users can interact with. each pipe on the screen can rotate 90's clockwise and counterclockwise via mouse click by left clicking and right clicking respectively.

Gameplay is currently underway. I mentioned before that this is going to be one of those pipe puzzle games. Currently working on two major hurdles:

First obstacle is checking to see if each pipes are connected to each other

The second obstacle is checking if all the pipes are connected from start to finish. If the player completes the puzzle, the player can advance to the next level.

Once those two major hurdles are finished, I'm pretty much set. Just working on the finer details until the challenge is over.

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Day 6-7 Diary Summary: No win conditions :(

Another diary update.

The one major hurdle of checking if the puzzle has been solved has unfortunately not been implemented in time. Getting the algorithm to check if all the pipes connect from point A to B became a lot more complex than anticipated and lost several hours of time because of this. However, my backup strategy is to just allow users to go to the next level via button select EVEN if the puzzle is not solved. The idea behind that is if the player completes the puzzle they can just move on to the next level.

Despite the major setback I've created a minimally viable product.

Game has been uploaded and ready to play.

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Final Diary Summary: Post-Mortem

Welp let’s start right away on what went wrong…

I certainly could have done more with this project had I figured out how to set the win conditions for my game. I mentioned in the previous diary entries that this was one of the major hurdles I needed to get through. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out in the end. However, my backup strategy was to just let the player go to the next level or return to previous level which is not something I wanted to do but it was a compromise in order to finish the project in time.

What I've been doing differently this time compared to previous pyweek events?

Actually building a design document with a development timeline and sticking to it. It helped substantially in keeping the project within the scope.

Despite this major setback I think I had a good run this time.

Best wishes to everyone else who participated, and thank you for trying out the game.

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