Day 3-5 Diary Summary: Long gap, but work in progress!

Apologies for the lack of "Daily" status update, but I've been busy with both work AND this PyWeek project. Here's what has been happening since the last diary update.

Main menu at the start of the game at its minimum is finished. Users can navigate between starting the game, accessing options(empty now), credits(also empty), and quitting the game.

I've also created pipe objects that users can interact with. each pipe on the screen can rotate 90's clockwise and counterclockwise via mouse click by left clicking and right clicking respectively.

Gameplay is currently underway. I mentioned before that this is going to be one of those pipe puzzle games. Currently working on two major hurdles:

First obstacle is checking to see if each pipes are connected to each other

The second obstacle is checking if all the pipes are connected from start to finish. If the player completes the puzzle, the player can advance to the next level.

Once those two major hurdles are finished, I'm pretty much set. Just working on the finer details until the challenge is over.