Crossing sea!
Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 3.4
Fun: 2.9
Production: 4
Innovation: 3.1
File | Uploader | Date |
— final
Windows version. (PyInstaller, python3.7-32) |
yarolig | 2018/10/27 23:27 |
— final
Source version. |
yarolig | 2018/10/27 23:16 |
Added track records |
yarolig | 2018/10/27 16:04 |
final view |
yarolig | 2018/10/27 11:36 |
— final
Source version. |
yarolig | 2018/10/27 11:33 |
— final
Windows version. (PyInstaller, python2.7) |
yarolig | 2018/10/27 11:24 |
My new boat model is the piece of alien biological material |
yarolig | 2018/10/25 20:18 |
Nice currents |
yarolig | 2018/10/24 22:07 |
making 3d textures is fun |
yarolig | 2018/10/24 17:01 |
Better terrain |
yarolig | 2018/10/23 12:44 |
Terrain is terrible |
yarolig | 2018/10/22 19:15 |
Boats |
yarolig | 2018/10/22 11:43 |
day1_main_menu |
yarolig | 2018/10/21 16:22 |
Diary Entries
Day 0
The theme is flow and I have no plan for it. I don't even know exact meaning of this word. I looked it in wikipedia and urban dictionary. I think psychology and musical meanings are irrelevant.
There is fluid flow, air flow, traffic flow, money flow and mathematical meaning of the flow.
I going to use Ubuntu 18.04, pycharm, pyglet (or pygame) and pyinstaller. I already found some good new music in Today I can make right now main menu and music playback.
Day 0 evening.
Watched some YouTube videos about flow. Liked one about divirgence and curl. Now I want to make a boat racing game.
Spent some time looking for a good ui library for Python and OpenGL. Everything I found looks unreliable or not convinient. I will make my own ugly ui. Main menu is ready.
Day 1
Searched for a good boat models. 3D model sites listed in are worthless. Registration required and licenses are not clear. Found a good model with a good license on
I am using as a library to load the file.
Day 1
Gameplay is more important. Now it is time to think about implementing port interface, quests and races. I have a poor ui code. I think I should use it to make a interfaces for quests, cargo and timers.
I enjoyed using the Tiled ( last pyweek. Why not use it again?
I studied about the Perlin noise this summer. I may use it to make a few planets :)
But quests are more important now.
Day 1 evening - terrible terrain
I'm too lazy to draw all maps. Perhaps random generator will do it better :)
I wasted a lot of time to make terrain generator and now game looks terrible.
Tuesday. Started making races.
There is a very important anecdote about an author who thought that he would write all the most exciting and interesting parts of their story first, and go back and put in the boring middle parts afterward. When they were done writing only the exciting parts, they looked over their work, came to an important realization, and sent the completed draft off to their editor.
So I stopped to make a big boring world and started to make races.
I have no boat physics yet. So making a lot of races now is reckless.
Wednesday morning - 7 FPS
1. I am a competent software developer! Writing computer programs is an important part of my life. I can do these things right.
2. To make one new thing you usually need to make a hundred broken things.
What I want to do today.
- delete code I don't like.
- add more music (I have the only track since Sunday and I will hate it soon)
- change video drivers and write in readme that my game is incompatible with nouveau
- replace OBJ loader
- add some fun things to game. Funny sounds when hitting coast and reaching checkpoint.
Thursday evening - drawing levels
But I got a strange bug. My currents are working on one computer but gone crazy on another. May be it is better to turn it off completely. My boat physic looks like a bad car physics. I'm tired to rewrite it.
Time to prepare packages. And add a boring but important stuff like a plot.
I tried to launch my game on Windows. Got a couple of bugs. As usual.
There is no gluBuild3DMipmaps. Need to write my own.
I forgot to add normals to terrain. Without mipmaps I can see it clearly.
Game crashes when windows resized (I think it loses textures and buffers).
Pygame can't find the default font when game packed with pyinstaller. I will add a custom font.
Friday night
Game looks ready!
I will be glad if someone try it before the deadline.
Now it is time to rest for a while and to try other games.
Saturday evening

I still have some stuff to do in last hours:
- equalize music volume (done)
- race records (done)
- minimap (or just add more buoys :) )
- terrain normals
- add good textures
- collisions with other boats
- pack and submit again
Windows bug
On one of my windows PCs there is a terrible lag for keypresses. It is impossible to play my game.
If you experiencing random lags between keypress and boat movement please do not suffer! Try to use other OS or other computer.