Pyggy Awards Format
Well, Pyggy Awards participation hit an all-time low last time, with a grand total of zero entries. :-( On the good side, at least it's verified that the web site doesn't crash under those conditions. :-)Hopefully there will be a slightly higher turnout this time, but having two divisions will probably be overkill. So I'm thinking about a single division that is open to both new and existing games, based on any previous PyWeek theme, whether chosen or not.
What do people think about that?
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I'd suggest scrapping the divisions altogether so that people can enter if they just happen to have a random idea.
I'd also suggest having one winner when there are so few entries. This might already be the case, but the later challenge pages don't work (they say "sys.stdout access restricted by mod_wsgi").
I haven't decided on an exact date for the next one yet. I try to position the judging period about half way between PyWeeks, which usually means about 2-3 months after the preceding PyWeek. But you can spend the whole time up until then coding.
I'd suggest scrapping the divisions altogether so that people can enter if they just happen to have a random idea.
You mean not necessarily tied to a PyWeek theme? I've been thinking about that as well -- just making it open to any Python-based game. What are people's thoughts on that? Anyone out there that would be encouraged to enter by such a relaxation?
Maybe the coding period should be shorter to avoid daunting people with the suggestion that they will have to code for 2-3 months in order to compete.
I think a lot of people use pyweek to learn and practice, and not primarily as an opportunity to create a game they'd want to publicize. On the other hand, some of the games that come out of it are good enough for publicity. Just something to keep in mind for any promotion strategy.
The idea is to allow plenty of time for people to complete the game in their spare time. Not just coding, but playtesting and getting feedback. If it were too much shorter, it would just end up being another crunch like PyWeek.
Also, if I relax the entry conditions as much as I'm thinking of, there won't really be a defined coding period, just a deadline for submissions. There will be nothing to stop you from submitting a game you've been working on previously.
There never really was an intention to prevent that. The Pyggy Awards isn't meant to be an exercise in coming up with a game in X amount of time -- we already have PyWeek for that. Rather it's meant to be an occasion for people to show off neat stuff they've been working on. Opening it up to any and all Python-based games would bring it closer to that ideal.
Cosmo: promotion-wise I was thinking blogs, forums, etc, not advertising.
What would you suggest? Disallowing previously entered games completely might be a bit too harsh -- if someone has made substantial additions to a previous entry, I wouldn't want to deny them the opportunity to show them off.
new -+=Gravy N TrimminS=+- version -> download here
That should be enough qualification for an entry. Pyggy should be fat and juicy, not lean and dried up. :) The huge leap in fun/innovation/productivity is the sign I'd look for: what can you accomplish in 3 months, with plenty of time to beef up the weak areas?
If you tout your game as "from scratch" or "based on PyWeek game or theme" or "wearing an eye patch and a 16 oz. boxing glove" or "using my 5 yo child's art", I would be inclined to boost your score (esp. if your game's hero wears an eye patch and a 16 oz. boxing glove). I find self-imposed restrictions, when two or more agree to abide by them for sport, way more quirky and fun, opposed to an objective rule set which usually becomes a bone of contention as well as quickly becoming stale.
I'd love to contribute, but at the moment I'm snowed under working on the program for this year's PyCon AU.
Any contributions, however small, would be appreciated: any projects you're working on that you'd like to plug; any games you think should be reviewed; any techniques, tools, libraries or experiments. Or just news. I'd also like to do some Q&As with people to help shed light on people's creative thought processes.