Ludum Dare 15 - August 28th-30th Weekend... just before pyweek starts.


it seems the ludumdare competition is running just before pyweek this time.

Anyone going in both?

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i never tried LudumDare - i don't know if i can code something interesting in one week, and i surelly can't in two days... - but i'm about trying one day there when i get more comfortable with pygame....
Where from can we download the previous entries from LudumDare? it's easy to find on Pyweek, but very hard on LudumDare (even from Google...)- if someone knows urls for accessing their previous entries repository, please let us know...
I'm going to attempt ludum dare for the 2nd time, I'm a bit more confident with a couple of PyWeek's under my belt now. I'm unsure about actually doing pyweek since gord and I are busy on weekdays now.

I think you have to go to individual ludum dare blogs to find their final submission post but there might be an amalgated ultro-torrent that contains all the submissions.
Ludum Dare doesn't really have a repository of previous entries - the competitors provide their own hosting. Links to the games can usually be found tagged with "final" on the competition blog:

Be aware that Ludum Dare has a quite different ruleset to Pyweek - assets such as graphics and sound must be made within the competition timeframe, but a lot of code reuse is allowed. Don't think of it as a shorter version of Pyweek, it's a very different beast.
I'd like to enter, but I'm worried about the fact that I have to (or really should) submit a Windows executable. I don't have access to Windows. Does py2exe run on Linux? And if it does, how can I be sure that it worked? :-/
py2exe doesn't really run from linux, it might be possible with wine, but that could be problematic (and I haven't seen anyone do that successfully)

It seems like what we need is an autostart exe, something like the skellington.  It's just an exe and a, and you put your code in the code folder.  There could be one of these for each platform.  Then python devs for these contests can merely put their code in the folder and distribute the whole thing without the hairy process of BUILDING the exe.

This is pretty much what I did for my PyWright program - the exe is just a very small bit of code that loads the main files. This way, when I release updates, one update will work no matter which version of the program you have installed, because it only changes some of the source files.

I might wright (er, write) something like this, since I have an osx and a windows executable for that.

ludum dare
The several times I have done ludum dare, I have found it a bit more freeing than pyweek.  It's weird but, with less time, you are more careful to only put in what you can actually do, and as a result you feel like you got more done. Well, some of the times it was like that. Another time I was debugging an algorithm for the two days and didn't finish :P

But I remember a year ago, I did Ludum dare a week or so after pyweek, and was much happier with my ludum dare game than with my pyweek entry.
I thought about it, and I've decided that I'll compete!

Hopefully, this'll loosen me up for Pyweek. :-)
Ah, and on the LD48 site, I'm PyCron, in case anyone wants to track my progress. ;-)
Well, I wanted to try another quick warmup game anyway, so I guess I'll go ahead and enter LD, but I won't put in the full 48 hours: once PyWeek starts, I'm working on that. I'll just use this as practice for the next LD. As for the cross-platform issues, hopefully I'll be able to find someone willing to py2exe it for me. Is that against the rules?
Ill probably give it a bash too - good practice and its been a while. Cosmo, Ill give you a hand with the py2exe if its not too convoluted - (porygon provides a nice etc that I can use) Stick to a simple set of libs and the process should be straight forward. A.
Personally, I'm just going to submit my script, any pure-python libs I use/find, and and let anyone who wants to play it run the scripts.

I seems to me that many of the competitors would likely either have Pygame or would be willing to install it.

And nowhere in the rules does it say that you are required to provide an EXE.

I think enough people are likely to have Pygame, or be willing to install it, that I can get some scores from folks.

But maybe it's just me.

Oh, and I see that I need to package in the DLLs anyway... So I'll be including Pygame after all. :-P

Bleh. Too early for me to be posting like this... ^_^;
Or... C++. Heck, I dunno. It'd probably work out better for me. X-D
Can you include pygame? Last time someone told me it was more trouble than it was worth.
Hmm, I've entered LD a couple of times and just submitted source... :S
Well, my entry was full of lose, but I finished it anyway. Fortunately, they have a thread just for people who need their entries ported to Windows, so that shouldn't be a problem. Akake, you're MrDude, right? How did yours turn out? Did anyone else here enter?
Well, nobody over at LD is helping me py2exe my entry, and all I'm getting in the voting are comments saying "I don't have python." RB[0], I don't know how you got away with just submitting the source. Or maybe you were okay with nobody playing it....

Anyway, if alia or anyone wants to help me out, my entry is here. All it uses is pygame and pyopengl. It shouldn't be too hard, I imagine.
Hmm i tried to py2exe it but i get an error when running the exe: No module named win32 any ideas?
Ah opengl - ill install pyopengl in a bit and have another crack at it
"No module names win32" sounds to me like it needs pywin32 from:
hmm i have that installed - ill have to figure how to get it to include em