damn themes for voting...
painful to choose, hard to imagine a game based on each theme - can i really code a game for Pyweek9 in a week? :|
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So far I've got a couple of reasonable ideas each for Reception and Flagging. Feather could be just about anything to do with birds, so I could probably handle that if need be. But Scissors... and What Big Eyes... no idea what to do with those, yet...
@gcewing i also imagined reception, flagging and birds could have more votes indeed... i'm very curious about what will appear in this competition! :)
Not sure what you mean by "switched off my vote" though.
Like me - I chose to do a FPS, because I want to test out PYGGEL's new features and see what she can do - so I have at least a basic idea for what I will do for each theme - the more unique ideas I've thought out a little more, the others not so much - but I know at least I can get an idea pretty quick for each :)
I try to imagine the single most straightforward idea for a theme and avoid it, simply because I think it will be used a lot. Not because using it makes an game unoriginal, but since we're in a competition with lots of games, it makes it harder to stand out. So, for "get off my lawn", I avoided an old man attacking kids.
Not all themes lend themselves to obvious ideas, though. I guess I'll avoid anything football-related for reception, capture-the-flag for flagging, a scissors-based fighting game, and anything with a big bad wolf for the last one. Beats me what people will do for feather.
Well, comparing the only two previous entries I've had. X-D
The look is very stylish, and the game runs smoothly and the controls work well. It doesn't feel like a game, though. At any give time, every part of the screen has the same amount of feathers, and every part of the screen has the same amount of sardines. By the time it matters, the fish are too fast and too numerous to avoid. No matter what I do, fly around or just sit there, I always die between 70 and 80 seconds. What separates a game from a simulation is that the player's actions need to matter, you know?
Maybe you should have fewer feathers and sardines, and have each one matter more. Like have one-tenth as many of each, and each one does 10% instead 1%. Just one idea. Are you able to survive more than 80 seconds?
your feedkback points are important - thanks! - and told one thing i had some difficulty about - it's weird there is no difference between you try to play it a lot and not playing at all, everything between 70 and 80 seconds... - i'll try to see if some bias in the random values would help, since i don't want to change too much the game, since i'd like to keep that 'chaotic' feeling on that... - but indeed i really want to set a difference between being skilled to play that or not, of course...
Years ago i also tried to code some shooters, and always having difficulties on the enemy attack waves part - i really don't know how to do it - my very first concern were publishing 'something' to the pyweek-9, since it's my very first pyweek participation.
Thanks for the clues, which are providing me some more ideas, and i hope fixing it until deadline! Thanks!
Ah that makes it even more fun! I have NO ideas... but im sure when the time comes... a bit of brain storming etc :)