ot - testing the coment editor thingie

Maybe related to the new coments editor controls now I need three clicks in the 'back' button to return to Messages page ( Opera 10beta browser )

Seems strange that a new message dont get this edition helpers, but maybe is not implemented atm.


But after saving you can get them when 'Edit comment'

The font in new editor is a bit small, not too bad for me but I can see too small for some people.

And, perhaps would be good that the content window have more height, maybe 200% actual ( with shows 6 lines)

But, anyway is a good addition.

Note to me: shift + return to next line without paragraph break
See ?


(log in to comment)


Ok, after notice saved the helpers are there.

Styles: bold italic strike out 

To get the style to normal click remove formatting, down near the spreadsheet like icon.

Paragraph align:








Pasting some python code to see if handles indentation at pasting:

def timerTest(resolution, duration):
start = time.clock()
end = start + duration


Tab key ? Nope

Using the indent button:

level 0

level 1

level 1 continues after return, good

Insert image:

my team logo at pyweek 7


works, must have url for image. To edit click the image and the image button.

And, the syntax check is welcomed !

All in all seems a good addition.



Use the "Paragraph" drop-down to select "Preformatted" when pasing code.

def timerTest(resolution, duration):
    start = time.clock()
    end = start + duration

Though I don't know why that's double-spaced :(

Oh good lord it puts each line in a <pre> tag.

I have to admit, I'm not overly fond of the new post editor.

In fact, I really don't like it at all. :-/

But that's me ^^;

Hey I'm testing to see if I can make some inline text monospace, since HTML tags don't seem to be working anymore. I think you have to click on the HTML button, switch to the popup window, and edit it there.

Popups.... yay....

Ah well, people complained about editing HTML manually (and got it wrong). This is the only rich edit widget I could actually get bloody working yesterday, and I can't figure out how to configure it to do the things I need to do (like control the buttons that are available). HTML capable people can still click the "html" button to edit their source raw. I'll see if I can find time to fix that <pre> tag stupidity but I really, really doubt I'll be able to.

Maybe we'd just be better-off without it :(

Oh, I'm not compaining. I think it's fine. If there is an option to let you edit the HTML here in this window, though, I think you should turn it on. No biggie. But either way, you should lose the text under the box that says HTML tags work, if they don't.

Code formatting works better if you use shift-return between lines -- otherwise it treats each line as a separate paragraph.

def foo():
print "Every python's sacred"

Minor nit: it's not quite wysiwyg -- code is not displayed monospaced in the editor.

I second the comment about the font size. Why can't it use the default size that i've configured my browser with? It annoys me when people write HTML assuming they know better than me what size I find comfortable.

In the old I was wasting a lot of time adding BRs.
Also, when using the wrong bar in closing tags some text parts were duplicated.
The new is better, even if along the time could be improved. (IMHO)




Cosmologiconeither way, you should lose the text under the box that says HTML tags work, if they don't

Yeah, I'll remove that entirely as I can't actually guarantee the tags that will be passed (seriously, the tinyMCE configuration docs are astoundingly confusing).

Thanks for the hint on the shift-return Greg.

I'll see whether I can figure how to configure it to use a reasonable font size and show more content. I noticed that if you cut-n-paste text from the website into the edit area the font size is fixed :)

for me the only problem (issue could be added/fixed soon) is to switch the message editor to html and back, a bit just like blogger does - i have no idea of how easy is to implement this.... - i'm using Galeon 2.0.6 now, on Ubuntu 9.04

yes, an html editor appears on another tab...

If it helps, I'm using FireFox on CrunchBang 9.04

And the HTML editor appear in a popup for me.

I'd like to see the editor not convert my line breaks into paragraphs when I get a preview. I liked the old way of doing things.

That said, even I'm starting to get used to this thing, and I was initially... Irritated at it, let's say.

It's like most changes to a website, I suppose. Initially some (or lots of) people complain and hate it, but eventually we'll get used to anything that's fairly well-designed.

Yes, it would be more intuitive if a blank line were required to separate paragraphs. However, I'm fairly used to the return vs. shift-return convention from using KompoZer, so it's not a big problem for me.

I hope something can be done about the font size problem before it destroys my eyes, though! I've just discovered that Command-+ in Firefox DOES NOT HELP. That goes beyond inconsiderate into downright rude, IMO.

BTW, is the Styles menu supposed to do anything? There's nothing under it for me.

OK, try this one out...

class SafeHTMLField(newforms.CharField):
    widget = newforms.Textarea
    def clean(self, value):
        if '<' in value:
            value = html2safehtml(value, safeTags)
        if not value:
            raise newforms.ValidationError(['This field is required'])
        return value

It produces better results visually but the HTML is less elegant :(
BTW that code in my last comment has no bearing on the actual HTML editor; it was just some random crap I pasted in from a terminal :)
Ohh, new one...
Testing to see if this works...
I like the new one. It's much, much better.

It looks a little Qt-ish, though. Maybe that's just me.
Nice work on the new editor Richard!

It is a lot nicer to just hit enter instead of having to put <br> everywhere, and then often forgetting to do so and having things formatted badly. I spend enough time formatting stuff for work, I don't like messing with html if I don't have to!

  • Easier for newbies
  • More relaxing sometimes, even if you are comfortable with html
  • Html mode still available if you need it (actually I heard this one mentioned but I don't see that button. Did it vanish?
I am not seeing some other buttons like indent/dedent, the edit source, insert code etc that you guys are talking about.  Did they vanish or am I blind?
They were in the editor before this one. (This is the second new editor we've gotten)

It was really cruddy, even though it had all of those nice features.

It had the nasty habit of formatting things as paragraphs. (Which I hate hate hate in HTML)

This one doesn't have those features, though. It's kind of a shame, but meh.
did any of you guys test this on chrome browser?. . I was not able to post messages using chrome :(.. strange....
I can't seem to post any messages using Safari (4.0.3 on OSX 10.5.8). Clicking on Save seems to have the same effect as Preview. There were no problems before the change in editors.

Please don't tell me I have to start up Firefox every time I want to post a message.
Just to corroborate Martin and gizmo_thunder's reports: I have the same behaviour (clicking 'save' has the same effect as clicking 'preview' again) on both Safari 4.0.3/OS X 10.5.8 and Chrome 2.0.172/XP Pro SP3. At the moment, that's probably going to mean no diary posting for me during Pyweek.
I've turned off "preview".
This is an attempt at posting from Safari 2.0.4 on MacOSX 10.4.10, where I just get a plain text box with no fancy editing controls (and a tiny font as well). I left a blank line above this sentence. Is this bold?
No preview? Lose, lose.
That seems to work, yes. Preview is less necessary with the WYSIWYG editor anyway.
oh, changes ?
Lets see, newline with return ?

exc_info = None
while _exithandlers:
func, targs, kargs = _exithandlers.pop()
cut & paste dont retain indentation

tab not acepted.

The button Insert does anything ? Here with opera 10b seems that no.
Stubbornly refuses to do two returns in row, but ret + space + ret works.

Well, lets see how it looks.

too much empty lines ?
a line, i will put 5 returns, then /end :

When typing many return in a row, the wiew will take only the first, but somehow seems that when doing save those ignored return will show in the post
more return test: five in a row, then qwerty, then navigate (arrows) to End of text, erase returns, then /end
editor removed ? or is IE7 not showing ? you are confusing me richard ! :)
Oh, the editor shows in Opera 10b but not with IE7
@gcewing: yeah, you'll be editing HTML directly

@Akake: with the WYSIWYG interface you don't need preview

@Martin: great!

@claxo: no, it's still here... I presume you'll just see the fallback plain textarea (in which you edit HTML directly) like gcewing?
@richard: from ie7 I see like the old ( pyweek 8 ) add comment area. The preview button dont show ( I know you removed that from the view in the new editor ). What I dont see are the editor buttons ( bold, list, insert image...) that I see in opera. What I dont know until I send this is: ¿ Im suposed to enter manually the BRs ? All right, lets see 3 2 1 0
If you don't see the editing buttons then you need to either get a better browser (recent Firefox works just fine) or type in HTML directly.
Yes, in IE7 behaves as the pyweek 8 editor, except it don´t have preview
No wysiwyg.
Well, personally I will be using opera for browser, so this will not bother me.
But if it is cheap and dont broke other browsers, perhaps the fallback editor can support preview.

Just curious to see if pre tag still works here:
from universe import sun
I don't believe there's a way for me to support preview and the new editor widget at the same time.
Thats' ok man... take it easy on yourself... this works just great... In fact i never liked the preview button any way :)
The preview was more or less essential when entering raw html. It's probably not needed *if* we have an html editor that works for everybody, which doesn't seem to be the case at the moment -- some people are *still* having to enter raw html (and I'm having to use Safari to be able to even do that).
dude.. firefox works just fine :) may be you should give it a try.. what browser is causing problem in editor any way?.. ie7 is it?
No, it was an old version of Firefox. I've installed a newer one, and it seems to be all right so far.

Testing editor features:

Blank line before this one.
Shift-return before this one.

Different font.
Different size.

def spam():
  print "blarg"
Hmmm, seems to work fairly intuitively. Not sure embedding absolute font sizes is a good idea, though.

Default size
14  point
15 point
16 point
Looks like it assumes everyone's default font size is 13 point.
Seems to understand how to use proper characters no problem. That was an issue from a while ago :) <<<<>>>>>><<<\<\<>>\>\> :3
Yeah, it's not perfect but at least the content you enter into the edit box actually looks like it will when you save the message, unlike the last editor I tried :)