more recent screen


Single entry. Dabbled with pygame in the past, need something to focus me on delivering something in a short period of time. :) Coding on the train..


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File Uploader Date
Early submission as I won't be finishing :(
telecoda 2011/04/08 22:44
more recent screen
telecoda 2011/04/08 22:36
Bunker screen, with working counters
telecoda 2011/04/06 23:44

Diary Entries

What was I thinking!

Having only paritally completed a pygame game over the space of about 18 months in my space time I throw myself into a comp to write a game in a week.

Full time job, 4 kids and a busy week. Progress has been slow so far but I'm not going down without a fight.

Coding on the train without wifi access is testing my coding skills without the crutch of the internet.

But today I think I've turned the corner and got into my stride.

Took a while to think of a concrete idea for the theme but I think I have something achievable for now.

Parked the idea of doing my own graphics just for sheer time available (and I love drawing!)

Well thats all for the diary cos I gotta code.


British transport at its best...

Planning on a nice stint of coding on the train home only to find train delayed and standing room only.

Put in some late hours tonight to make progress on "Bunker!"

"Bunking" of "Bunking-off" is English slang for missing school.  As Ferris missed school 9 times this is my game.  Therefore "Bunker" is about covering your tracks.

You need to pass over the numbered squares nine times to erase any record of Ferris' missed attendances.

Clearly still missing a lot,sound, music, enemies, scores, lives etc.  The gap on the right is where this info will go.  Using some Mario inspired pipe graphics that are freely available.  Mental note to add reference to source of graphics..

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Having to admit defeat

Well time has been against me and I'm gonna have to admit defeat.  As I will not be able to complete my game in the week.

But from taking part in my first pyweek I have several lessons I have learned.

i.) preparation.  I should have a better idea for all themes during the voting, got seriously caught out with no real idea.

ii.) resources.  Should be clued up on where to get graphics/sounds ahead of time or work in a team rather than flying solo.

iii.) making time available.  I have only spent a fraction of the time available this week to the game.  Work, kids, family visiting, getting drunk etc have all taken priority.

iv.) unforeseen circumstances, (standing room only on the train, lost me one journeys coding, flat battery on laptop cost me another, lack of swap space caused pc to fail to resume from hibernation lost me another half a journey.)

Having said all that.  I "did" achieve a fully functioning game, albeit a scruffy rough around the edges, silent game in the time.

I am uploading early as the weekend will be spent decorating and enjoying the rare joy of a sunny weekend with friends.

Hopefully I'll see the game through to fruition at some point and I trip my hat to the other coders who have achieved far more in the same time frame.

That being said python is a kick-ass language and I am now enjoying the pleasure of coding with it during my day job as well as a hobby ;) 

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Game over man

Sadly I never made the final cut.  I uploaded the code as is.

However I am happy to say I am still coding the game. I carried on this morning.  Not for the competition but I'd still like to complete the game in the way I had it in my head.

Working on early AI routines for the enemies this morning.

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