Island Rescue

Island Rescue

Save all 50 humans with the helicopter and bring them to the starting location (big "H") (landing zone of the helicopter).
Avoid clouds and birds.

Pick up humans by flying over them.  A maximum of two humans can be transported.  Bring them to the landing zone of the helicopter.

Clouds reduce your energy levels.  Once they reach 0, the game is over and you lose.
Crashing into birds reduce your hitpoints.  Once they reach 0, the game is over and you lose.

Save all 50 humans to win.

Energy is recharged using the solar panels on the helicopter when not flying below clouds.
Hitpoints are regenerated if you are at the landing zone of the helicopter.

Boosting your speed requires an extra amount of energy.

A - Turn left
D - Turn right
W - Move forward
Holding SPACE while pressing W - Turbo speed (beware, this drains your energy levels)

Quitting the game - ESC


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.9
Fun: 2.5
Production: 2.9
Innovation: 3.2

Respondents: 15


File Uploader Date
Island Rescue - Final
Master47 2020/09/27 09:42
Island Rescue
Master47 2020/09/26 20:42

Diary Entries

First diary entry at the very end of PyWeek 30. Just some lines/thoughts

So I am proud that I managed to kinda finish this game, even though as per usual, a lot remains unpolished.  For example, the title and game over screen are very, very simple.
There is no music and no sounds.  I composed three little tracks that are included, but did not manage to use them.

But given that I had to work at least 40 hours this week, whilist being away for 2 days at a customer on-site, I am actually happy that I still managed to finish this, and even kinda like it.

I started with PyWeek 14 under this nick/arist name, it's been a long time.  I even participated in PyWeek 13, under the name Yangea I think...  When was PyWeek 14?  Wow, May 2012... that is 8.5 years almost. I was a young lad back then LOL, j/k, I was 22 then.  Now I am 31.  Time flies.

I don't know if I improved in Python.  Information technology changes so fast, it is very difficult to keep track of it all.  Sorry for those confusing words, I am just writing a few things now.


Thanks for reading, and I hope you all enjoyed PyWeek #30. :).

I will now have some tea and relax.
I will create a video about my game tomorrow and upload it to YT, plus I will also write and add a readme file.  Hope that's ok.

See ya all, and take care.

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