The game in action - runners following the route and receiving support from the 'towers' along the course

Towers of Strength

Our game "Towers of Strength".

We created a twist on the classic tower defence game. The 'towers' along the route are there to help the runners, not hinder them. They are food and drink stations, and supporters. 

When runners get hungry, thirsty or discouraged they start to slow down. With lots of encouragement they speed up - but use more food, drink and will power. How quickly can you get the first fifteen runners over the finish line?

Currently with 3 different levels

Unfortunately one of us had some urgent business to take care off and didn't get a chance to contribute very much. So we didn't have as much person-power as we would have liked, and it has mostly been a solo effort

To run it, install requirements from requirements.txt, then python3

Drag the 'towers' into place. At the end of the third level the game just crashes out - I didn't have time to give it a proper ending

I've developed it on Linux, and made sure it also works on Windows

You can also find it at


play again
Presented by Buffalo974

They're all dead.
Presented by tundish

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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.2
Fun: 2.8
Production: 3.3
Innovation: 3.6

Respondents: 12


File Uploader Date
The game in action - runners following the route and receiving support from the 'towers' along the course
coen 2019/09/29 21:48
Towers of Strength - a classic tower defence game with a twist: instead of the 'towers' hindering, they are there to help. Place supporters, food and drink stations along the course so the runners can reach the end
coen 2019/09/29 21:47

Diary Entries

Hello world

Someone just told me that they had trouble running the game. It may be because I wrote it in pygame 1.9 and they tried to run it in pygame The workaround was to remove sys.exit.

And apparently I should have posted a diary entry so people can reach me. So here it is

Apologies to anyone who failed to run my game, especially if you then tried to reach me and couldn't. I'll do better next time