Day #1

What a day!!

Our incredible plan of making the next big thing with our really unique idea for "Headbutting Fall Goats" got squashed at around 00:00 UTC today, with the announcement of the community chosen theme.

The disappointment clearly sat deep in the team, moral was low and our belief in democracy has been deeply shaken...
...for like 10 seconds or so and right after a very entertaining brainstorming session began. One crazy idea let to another and at the end of this first day, we have a pretty good idea how our entry will look and hopefully also play like.

Without giving away all the *trade secrets*, here's some artwork and even a first screenshot from our teams hard work:

We hope everyone else is having as much fun as we are and will be back soon to post some more juicy details about our creation in the making.

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oml it's looking so nice already
Yeah goats...same dissapointment.