Obbo's Descent
"Obbo was happiest traveling through space
until one day a meteor struck obbo's face.
Luckily equipped with a fishing pole,
and with safe return a clear goal,
goes fishing for asteroids to fix up the place."
until one day a meteor struck obbo's face.
Luckily equipped with a fishing pole,
and with safe return a clear goal,
goes fishing for asteroids to fix up the place."

Created with Panda3D
With love by:
sour patch bullet
Special thanks:
The amazing panda3d community and its offtopic discord server
lordmauve for organizing a terrific challenge
With love by:
sour patch bullet
Special thanks:
The amazing panda3d community and its offtopic discord server
lordmauve for organizing a terrific challenge
all other pyweek participants
Schwarzbaer for help with brainstorming.
Sorny for helping with references.
Schwarzbaer for help with brainstorming.
Sorny for helping with references.
Alfredo Marco Pradil for making the font Jellee
You need at least Python 3.7 and the dependencies described in requirements.txt.
Disclaimer for macOS users:
Unfortunately our custom cursor isn't displayed on macOS.
Also, if you're experiencing problems with the controls, set the "confine-mouse" variable
in the settings.prc file to "false" (The binary version for macOS already has this
variable set to "false").
Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 4.3
Fun: 3.7
Production: 4.9
Innovation: 4.2
File | Uploader | Date |
cast that rod! |
zwerver | 2020/09/27 15:45 |
promo poster |
zwerver | 2020/09/27 15:44 |
top down camera |
zwerver | 2020/09/27 15:42 |
home sweet close one |
zwerver | 2020/09/27 15:41 |
got ourselves a big boy |
zwerver | 2020/09/27 15:40 |
A pre-built binary version of the game for MacOS |
tizilogic | 2020/09/27 13:30 |
A pre-built binary version of the game for Windows |
Moguri | 2020/09/27 00:30 |
A pre-built binary version of the game for Linux |
Moguri | 2020/09/27 00:25 |
Screenshot |
Moguri | 2020/09/27 00:22 |
— final
Source distribution with pre-built assets |
Moguri | 2020/09/27 00:13 |
Current progress |
rdb | 2020/09/23 15:19 |
Diary Entries
Day #1
What a day!!
Our incredible plan of making the next big thing with our really unique idea for "Headbutting Fall Goats" got squashed at around 00:00 UTC today, with the announcement of the community chosen theme.
The disappointment clearly sat deep in the team, moral was low and our belief in democracy has been deeply shaken...

We hope everyone else is having as much fun as we are and will be back soon to post some more juicy details about our creation in the making.
Our incredible plan of making the next big thing with our really unique idea for "Headbutting Fall Goats" got squashed at around 00:00 UTC today, with the announcement of the community chosen theme.
The disappointment clearly sat deep in the team, moral was low and our belief in democracy has been deeply shaken...

...for like 10 seconds or so and right after a very entertaining brainstorming session began. One crazy idea let to another and at the end of this first day, we have a pretty good idea how our entry will look and hopefully also play like.
Without giving away all the *trade secrets*, here's some artwork and even a first screenshot from our teams hard work:

Day #3
As the sun sets on the west coast of the US, I sit illuminated by the glow of my monitor. Taking a break from a furious typing session, I sip some bourbon and reflect on the team's accomplishments of the past two days. My teammates are now long asleep due to the magic of time zones, so I contemplate alone. Well, almost alone. I have the company of our game's protagonist, Obbo, to keep me company.

He's a happy fellow; a smile constantly graces his beautiful helmet. You may notice a fishing pole in his hand. However, it is not fish that our intrepid Obbo is after, but a far greater prize: asteroids. Over the past couple of days Obbo has started to gain a basic understanding of how to fish for asteroids.

The planet poor Obbo has been stranded on is pretty barren at the moment, but the artists on the team have been hard at work creating assets to give Obbo more to look at. Some of these can be seen in our new menu screen:

Along with foliage, Obbo can expect to see these curious objects make an appearance on his world soon:

Day #4
With the sun retiring from the sky some hours ago, it is about time for me to follow suit and retire to my bed. But, before that, let us check in on our favorite asteroid fisher-alien: Obbo.
The last time we checked in on Obbo he was just beginning his fishing lessons. I am happy to report that Obbo is a quick study and has a much better grasp of asteroid fishing.

However, everything was not smooth sailing for poor Obbo today. Earlier today Obbo's magnet was being troublesome and refusing to grab magnets unless the magnet hit the asteroid dead on. A magnet should have some pull, so we checked to see if Obbo's magnet was defective.

Yikes! That small white sphere was the only spot on the magnet with any grabbiness left. Quite a weak magnet! After swapping out the magnet for one working at full strength, the lessons were much more fruitful.
Asteroid fishing can be exhausting work, so Obbo took the occasional break to admire the new scenery.

Not one to sit idly on his accomplishments for the day, Obbo also started learning some carpentry.

Obbo is doing marvelous on the basics and showing much enthusiasm for this new skill. Unfortunately, Obbo may be a bit too enthusiastic:

Impressive work Obbo! However, tomorrow we will have a lesson on restraint and constructing buildings at a scale to better fit the environment.
"Invert Y" option makes game unplayable on Windows
I've just come to learn thanks to a tester that the game becomes unplayable on Windows when clicking the "Invert Y" options for the mouse in the options screen. This is because it makes it impossible to look upwards with the mouse. If you are on Windows, I recommend either:
- Grabbing the fix from GitHub
- Playing with the "Invert Y" option disabled.
Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. If you encounter any other playability issues with the game, please let us know.