Testers please..

I spent a lot of time in the past two days playing the game over and over again. But I am proud to say with 10 hours left to go, the game is complete. There is a way to win and a way to lose. And if you really want to win, score all the points. It's worth it!

Testing takes a lot of time. It is a necessary feedback loop. I can also see why it would be necessary to have a full time tester for something like game production.

So now, I cross my fingers and see what other people think. I think the actual game is pretty decent. Very simple and straightforward. I wanted people to be able to win this time and play the game all the way through (with some possibility of losing).

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Got 2 errors:
pygame.error: No video mode large enough for 1280x960

My laptop screen is 1280x800.

After removing pygame.HWSURFACE|pygame.FULLSCREEN, I got this:

pygame.error: Couldn't open /home/user/pyweek/Above_and_Below/data/top/abv_blw.png

I put a file to abv_blw.png and it works.

tested on osx: works and is fun :)

works fine on windows :) hit the theme