Around the Worlds in 80 days.

Sun 15 Apr 2018 09:52:39 CEST

I got the name of the game, and setting up a github repo for it.

Around the Worlds in 80 days. aroundtheworlds

Jules Verne is awesome. It's one of the first books I read as a child.

Also, I remember typing up a balloon game on c64 when I was little too.

So this is a little bit nostalgic for me. But also, I like the setting.

Next up, I'll set up my base code. Probably should have done this earlier.

This is what I hate about python... config file soup. Note to self: finish pyrelease.

Sun 15 Apr 2018 09:25:52 CEST

For my Two Worlds pyweek... I'm thinking of doing a split screen game. Where you control the avatar in both worlds. So your input has to avoid collisions in both. Controlling the hot air that goes into a balloon to make it rise. Just obstacle avoidance I guess, but sort of interesting because you have to do it in two Worlds at once.

Split screen drawing two balloons

I'm using pygame and will also try a bunch of libraries. pygame awesome libraries

Probably 'thorpy' for game menus/gui, and 'transitions' for state machines.

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"Around the Worlds in 80 Days" in a week.

Good luck with that ;)

I swear you have the exact same handwriting as me...
Can't beat pencil and paper for expression your thoughts. Good luck!