Victory: I finished!

I am so glad to have finished this game. It was lots of fun and I had a good time with you all on the IRC. I look forward to playing other people's games. I was planning on doing diary entries, but I did not have the time to spare, sorry... maybe next time. Oh, and I forgot to say that the victory for me is just finishing the game! Last time I got a big fat DNF... not today!

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Looks cool so bad I don't have good OpenGL implementation.
Thanks knowledge! I'm downloading your game right now! :D Btw: I didn't use any "OpenGL implementation" (just Cocos2d and Pyglet || easy setup: pip install cocos2d)
Hey I told you on IRC that, on Ubuntu running python 2.7 and pyglet 1.2alpha1, the sprites are not appearing on screen for me, even though the background is. I've spent the last hour trying to figure it out, but I'm going to have to give up. The player logically appears in the right place, and the camera pans as you move, but the sprite itself is missing. It could be an issue with pyglet loading the resource, as I've run into those before, but the resource is being found, and the image object has the right dimensions. It's as if it's loading a transparent image of the right size. I tried converting it to jpg and loading that instead, so that the file transparency wasn't an issue, but it didn't change anything. Sorry but I'm stumped. If nobody else has the problem, though, maybe it's just me. Sorry I couldn't be more help!
Thank you sooooo much! I can not even begin to express my gratitude through this text. Even if you did not solve the bug, it is amazing to see what you did to help me! Thank you again! What a great community this is!!!!!
Segfaults for me trying at pyglet.image.load_animation(data.getPath("flames.gif")), which is probably pyglet's way of telling me it (or avbin) doesn't support gifs in my installation. Worked after extracting the first frame to a png and just using that.
Ok, sorry about that Alex. I am glad you were able to make a fix! :D I admit that I was lazy and I did not want to "waste" too much time, that is why I used GIFs; otherwise I would've just used sprite sheets.