Wrap Up!

Well it has been quite fun and I managed to bring most of the ideas to life despite losing a day. Sad not to have another monster and not to have a high score table but glad I have added gamepad support to one of my games. The game is very simple - takes a lot from Crystal Castle and Q-bert. I like the idea of the user changing the screen in those games either cubes changing colour or picking up dots. The code is not too bad though could be heavily optimised in parts.

Hope it is fun!

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Others may benefit from this tip.

I had to hack the CarpetGame.py because I didn't have a gamepad. The LOGICEVENT handler incorrectly assumed CarpetGame.Gamepad would not be None, so it crashed trying to access None.get_axis. I'm glad it was easy to fix, cause I wanted to play this! :)

Just insert at line 73: "if self.Gamepad:" and indent the lines up to, but not including "#Beasties".

You can also change self.p1.Level = 9 to start from level 1 instead of 9.