Regarding Entries Page

i remember the entries page used to randomize the way the entries were shown? Is it turned off now? 

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No, it should still randomise the list on a per-user basis.
The one I'm getting looks fairly random to me.

I think it's generating a random order for each user, and then keeping the order the same for that user. Which is good, because it's hard to find your way around a list if the order is changing all the time.
if it is storing random order for each user i guess its' all good :)
It doesn't actually store the random order - it seeds a random generator with your username :-)
Is this how the screenshots on the home page work too? What about people without user accounts? For the front page it might be cool to seed a random generator with the current year and month.
The screenshots on the home page are from the winning games from Pyweeks 2-6. It would be nice if these could be brought a bit more up to date. I like the idea of cycling through some random games, but I worry that there are a lot of fairly poor screenshots from unfinished games which would end up on the front page.
The screenshots are just a selection that I put together some time ago. I should update it, yeah.
Yeah, you should update those, specially the one from that game that beat my team on my first competition... Not that I'm bitter or anything...
I don't want to say anything, but I also would not mind having the winners from Pyweek 8 and Pyweek 11 up there. ;)

Maybe you could have a few random high-rated ("featured") games, along with a couple random games drawn from the entire list. Sort of like how does it. The difference being that you can't do it chronologically here, since lots of games get submitted all at once.
I just need to write the code...
Do it! Or maybe one of us could provide a patch that you could simply approve? I know Django.
If you're changing things I'd like a Pyweek blog that aggregates all the diary entries as separate from forum postings.

Also some way of browsing entries from all previous Pyweeks, by overall score, fun score, production score, etc.

Oh, and a field to enter judging notes to accompany each entry.
Hmm, the diary entries page is feasible.

As for the browsing all entries - try the "All Games" link under "Previous Challenges" in the menu.

By judging notes you mean stuff you want to enter for yourself, as opposed to feedback to the entry?
BTW, the chances of me actually implementing anything are kinda low-ish.
Richard, what about the chances of releasing the website code and accepting patches?
I think Richard has already released it:
Yes, that's the code repository. I've had other contributors in the past.
I've created some issues in the tracker for your consideration.