DNW entries

Is there some reason that when checking the DNW box it is still required to give scores to the categories?

Also, if it's useful to have easy fixes for entries that DNW out of the box collected in a single thread, please feel free to co-opt this thread for such a purpose (especially for those games that have no diary entries on which to comment)

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Is there some reason that when checking the DNW box it is still required to give scores to the categories?

Yes, I'm lazy and never get around to fixing the code :-)
I get this error when running Stratejelly:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "run_game.py", line 11, in <module>
    main = game.Core(screen)
  File "PyWeek-10-finals/stratejelly/Stratejelly/game.py", line 92, in __init__
  File "PyWeek-10-finals/stratejelly/Stratejelly/game.py", line 170, in __init__
  File "PyWeek-10-finals/stratejelly/Stratejelly/gui.py", line 103, in __init__
    data = pickle.load(f)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/pickle.py", line 1370, in load
    return Unpickler(file).load()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/pickle.py", line 858, in load
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/pickle.py", line 966, in load_string
    raise ValueError, "insecure string pickle"
ValueError: insecure string pickle
I tracked most of the problems down to line endings: http://www.pyweek.org/d/3301/
In Wibbly Waves I had to comment out the "pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100,16,2,4096)" line to get it working (sound was there too). And it was worth it too!
Roly-Poly Samurai just shows me an empty (white) window and plays awesome music and I can hear some intriguing sound effects. I have Python 2.6.2 and Pyglet 1.1.4 (on a Mac). There's no console output and I've debugged it as far as checking if the on_draw() function runs regularly (it does). Does anybody have a solution for this or should I debug further?
I have pretty much the same issue (except the window is gray) with Doom central. It's using Pygame, so I will be less likely to be able to fix it.

The rest of the games work though, so it's not like I forgot to turn on my screen :).
That's a shame. I don't have a Mac to figure this out with. Does Teetering Towers work for you? that uses the same stuff as ours I believe (pygame + pyopengl)
Yes, Teetering Towers works out of the box. I've finished rating all games except these two now, so if I have some time later I will try to get them work. In the worst case you will have to do without my rating :).
Ah ok. I must be doing something wrong then. If you do fix it, let me know the patch so I can incorporate it into the repository. And as usual for my pyweek games, sorry for the crappy code :)
Minescape segfaults on me after the title screen. I thought I asked on it before but I can't find the post now.
    Games that didn't function for me at all (most issues looked like straightforward fixes which I fixed by digging in the source):
    So, what the hell is with the sound segfaults? It only hit some Linux users, but hit them both in Pygame and Pyglet games, right? Is OpenAL broken in one distribution? Or did the games do something wrong?

    It would be nice to sort this out before the next PyWeek.