Wibbly wobbly

Who's happy? Who's not?

I'm happy.

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It was my top vote. (Though I'm not sure yet if I'm going to participate this week.)
I'm not happy , however, Wibbly-Wobbly the Canine Screwdriver surely is!
I'm not. Least favorite theme, as usual...
Hmm, could be worse. At least this theme is used in nursery rhymes that involve ducks! 

Six little ducks That I once knew
(Kids line up and follow the leader)
Fat ones, skinny ones, Fair ones, too
(use hands to show "fat", "skinny" & "fair")
But the one little duck with the feather on his back
(touch back in front of you)
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack,
Quack, quack, quack
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack.
(flap wings with each quack)

Down to the river they would go
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, to and fro
(All wiggle their bottoms)
But the one little duck with the feather on his back
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack,
Quack, quack, quack
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack.

Into the water they would dive
Over and under the other five
(Kids all weave around each other)
But the one little duck with the feather on his back
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack.
Quack, quack, quack,
Quack, quack, quack
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack.

Home from the river they would come
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble, ho, hum, hum
But the one little duck with the feather on his back
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack,
Quack, quack, quack
He led the others with his quack, quack, quack.
Hi all,

 What does "wibbly-wobbly" mean?

 English is not my first language and I'm not quite sure I understand this expression.

So far, I think it means "shaky", doesn't it?

Thank you ;)

 Good luck to all participants!!!
my number two vote but my least developed idea - i'm going to make a game about wibbly the wobbly, and by wobbly i mean radical unionist (wiki:IWW) it frees me from trying code offkilter physics or something dr. who related... either of which might have led to insanity. good luck to all!!
kip, that just made you my favorite person =p (for those that didn't catch the Doctor Who reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY_Ry8J_jdw )
these earthquakes all around the world these months can be also used as theme? do this fits on the 'wibbly-wobbly' theme?
Wibbly-wobbly was a component to my idea. The primary baddies are drunken men who are so drunk and so impure that they would viciously attack an 11 year-old girl. (On her eleventh birthday, no less!) They are, one could say, "wibbly-wobbly" drunk.

Don't worry, she has a screwdriver and rose-powered magic. There is that big canine, though...

I was prepared!
I'm not happy, I have rated this theme number 4, that's almost my least favorite theme :(
Not happy. We still don't have a nice idea and simply using a wobbly character seems kind of unoriginal and unsatisfactory..
OK, no idea. :(

My only guess is physics based, but I know I'm not good enough to do a platformer.

Maybe a racer? With wibbly wobbly suspension, and bouncy dynamics? It'd be a chance to learn some OpenGL (or fail horribly in the process).