After The Fall
Well, after yet again coding right up until the last seconds of PyWeek, our game is complete and uploaded. We were determined to stretch our capabilities this time, and we're pretty satisfied with what we ended up with.
After the Fall is an exploration-based platform adventure rendered in a stark and haunting monochrome style. It features skeletal animation based on motion capture data, a world pieced together in CSG by our homemade level editor and a story told through the letters and objects left behind in an abandoned palace.
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One question I do have is about the control scheme...was this a deliberate stylistic choice or more a function of expediency and time needed to put in something like wasd/mouse?
I guess is is payback for my game's "story" screen not accepting the space bar to exit :)
richard: What spec is the computer you're running this on? Collision detection was rarely the bottleneck for us, so I guess you either have a slower computer or a much more snazzy graphics card ;) I'll look into whether there are any fixes you might be able to use to alleviate the problem.
This was an issue I saw when playing previous pyweek entries that used pyglet or similar and annoyed me no end, until I realised it was something I could fix.
However, if you do have a decent card, but your GL setup is a bit dodgy, that may well be responsible for any performance issues you might encounter. Linux GL drivers are still notoriously flaky, even though they've improved considerably in the last few years.
It's not something I expected you to fix or anything. I just wanted to let you know.
Too bad I can't vote this time :)
My main complaint about the camera is that it's difficult to position yourself in the corner of a room and then turn around to get a good look at the whole room. Or just stand in one place and look around. It would be nice to have the option of separate move/turn controls for those who would like it.