Title Screen

After The Fall

After The Fall: an exploration-based platform adventure rendered in a stark and haunting monochrome style. It features skeletal animation based on motion capture data, a world pieced together in CSG by our homemade level editor and a story told through the letters and objects left behind in an abandoned palace.


Paul Strand Monochromacity Award
Presented by gcewing

Presented by j-1

Seamless Levels Trophy
Presented by kent_turbo

OpenGL at its best
Presented by nitrofurano

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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.7
Fun: 3.4
Production: 4.2
Innovation: 3.6

8% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 34


File Uploader Date
After The Fall v1.0.3 (win32 binary distribution)
Chard 2009/09/06 21:35
After The Fall v1.0.3 (OS X binary distribution)
Chard 2009/09/06 18:54
After The Fall v1.0.3 (source distribution)
Chard 2009/09/06 18:47
Title Screen
Martin 2009/09/06 00:51
Day 5 : Awesome Tree
Chard 2009/09/03 23:02
Day 4 : Wireframe Staircases
Chard 2009/09/02 20:43
Day 4 : Majestic Tree
Chard 2009/09/02 20:00
Day 3 : Jumping Off Things
Chard 2009/09/01 15:54
Day 3 : Running Around
Chard 2009/09/01 15:54
Day 3 : Editor Perspective
Chard 2009/09/01 15:54

Diary Entries

Progress Report

Hi everyone!

Just to let you know that Super Effective have been very busy coding. We have excellent world geometry and physics in place as well as brilliant skeletal animation. I've finished writing a lovely 3d map editor and now we are getting on with the actual content, laying out the world, making models, telling the story. We're keep the use of the feather under our hat (rather than in it!) so to speak. Meanwhile here's a bunch of screenshots:

Designing a three dimensional map.

Running around in big open spaces.

Jumping over the balustrade.


Super Effective (Day 4)

Excellent progress today: I finished laying out the broad geometry of the world, Martin added a fantastic tree. Here's a couple more screenshots:

Lovely tree geometry.

Our wireframe debugging: good stairs.

Expect more soon! I will be incorporating all the scenery objects next. They're looking good I just haven't put them in yet. The story and actual gameplay will be features of the next three days.

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Day 5 : Look At Our Amazing Tree

Hi everybody!

Good progress again, our platform puzzles are coming together, our game looks better. Just starting to hit framerate issues but we haven't chunked the map yet so we'll see if that remains a problem after that. I took a screenshot of the tree in the main courtyard again but blown up to 200000 branches (instead of 2000). Its worth seeing:

Awesome tree!

The 30.11 fps there is not representative of our current performance naturally. Although, as I say, we will be looking in to optimising that.


After The Fall

Well, after yet again coding right up until the last seconds of PyWeek, our game is complete and uploaded. We were determined to stretch our capabilities this time, and we're pretty satisfied with what we ended up with.

After the Fall is an exploration-based platform adventure rendered in a stark and haunting monochrome style. It features skeletal animation based on motion capture data, a world pieced together in CSG by our homemade level editor and a story told through the letters and objects left behind in an abandoned palace.