PedoMan: A Complex Love Story

Pedoman is in love, but her woman doesn't like him.
She likes thinner, lighter guy, lighter as a feather.

But Pedoman is fat. He likes to eat a lot. So, he had this idea:
"If I eat lots of beans but lots lots of beans perhaps I can fart and fart and reduce weight by farting.
And she would love me because I will be light as a feather".

And this is just the beginning of this plataformer love story game.

Will Pedoman be able to conquer her love ?
Who knows...

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I'm not sure I know what's going on, but I love that screenshot.
\0/ Box2d!
lol the story line is funny :D And the screenshot looks great :-)
I know you're using the word "pedo" because it's Spanish for "fart", but I think you might want to consider the meaning it has in English. Farting definitely wasn't the first thing that came to mind when I read the title of this post,
@martin: ah...yes.... PedoMan is Farting Man and not Pedophile Man.
Oh thanks heavens for that. What a relief.
I'd even suggest that the title be changed. I didn't know the meaning in Spanish and, even now that I know, the title still sounds strange.

I like the idea, by the way. Should be fun. :)
thanks for the suggestions. I'll rename it to GasMan.
si se”nor especially the combination of pedo, man, girl and complex love story....