Anyone want to hold ?

Anyone want to hold ?
1. Chinese or English blog.
2. Chinese or Japen or English Theme. e.g. Kung Fu, City of Sky, Sound of Music.
3. Chinese or English response.
I am not a Big Chinese people.
but use English Thinking to development game, that isn't good for me,
Maybe it isn't good for another chinese people.
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I know that it is not a easy road !
First python is a good Programming Language for learning.
and write games is a good way to learn a programming language.
So, Please don't care how may python game developer in chinese !!
Many young people in chinese,
they will want to write their game not just buy in Nintendo (wii or nds).
I think this is a voice for them (like my son).
I'm curious about this too, there must be some hobby game developers in China (not to mention professionals).
Are there any Chinese sites or forums for game developers?
I think it's a good idea. I like that games with no words in them at all. The games at are very good and I think that a Japanese person writes them. This kind of game is very international.
I don't know Chinese, but if I can understand the rules, I would like to join a Chinese pyweek! I would like to try to write a game with no words that Chinese people can enjoy.

maybe You can post the storyboard or some images to diary entries.
more people will feel very interesting about this.
But you maybe not easy to understanding all diary entries in message blog like me.
Finally I want to say:
The chinese pyweek message blog can post english message.
it just hold for a people and he understand chinese culture. he understand what is a dragon (although this mythical Chinese animal is not at all similar to the dragon of the West).
我学中文可是我不写汉字(very much), so I'm not much help :) But of course, I'd join in the contest and use it both to improve my mandarin and to.. well.. program :)

If is running ?What is need fork to another system ? what is hold on old ? central holding games ?
Just fork the message system to another site ?
or all hold in a new system ?
If this happens, I think the best thing would be to use something like, the same system, but with independent contents. I'm sure richard would set something up if there was enough interest, and someone willing to do the work of setting everything up.
我也学中文,和我看得懂汉字得不好。 我想参加一个中文的Pyweek (拍星期?)

This sound is great!!
If can central holding games, screenshot, message board. it is great!!
Because I have not machine to hold them.
Maybe, I can doing something for
1> First write a tuitional pyglet.
2> Provide a free course about python and pyglet in some high school.
^v^ I think pyglet is good for newbie then pygame.
It would be great if you got lots of young people involved in python game development - I wish there had been someone to teach me python when I was in school!
Are there many Chinese python game developers? I guess a Chinese "Pyweek" would be a nice way to find out... but most people here don't understand Chinese, so it's kind of hard to help. XD