Frequently Asked Questions Nobody Has Asked Yet
Why did you autotune the Pragma screaming?
It worked for T-Pain and it will work for us!!
Those "cat's" look like children in teddy bear suits?
Pragma was a very strange old lady.
Why is Pragma's house an empty plot of gardening soil?
Pragma was a very strange old lady
Is this game really a metaphor for something else?
I hate your faceSir, that is not a question.
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And a gameplay hint: Play for a few minutes, then lose - you're meant to see the ending :)
This game is a metaphor for what?
Do I hate your face?
Are the font and the music your own creations? It is not mentioned in the readme, so I assume they are. Both are nice! I also like the hose mechanics, although that's Chipmunk if I'm not mistaken.