Most common libs survey
So last time we made the mistake of using too many libs that other people didnt... I think this time we will try to cut that down a little. Im not sure if it was this comp or another but I once saw a really nice little pre-comp survey to see what everyone was going to use. Does anyone know the one im talking about?Something like this but for libs.
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Could I ask permission to bundle retrogamelib if I use it?
I'd like to be able to have that there for folks to playtest releases of my game, so they can just download it and play it.
Okay, cool ^_^
Akake: yep, bundling is generally the idea with retrogamelib. It's a good skeleton to start with.
If I used Pyglet, I'd also likely use Super Effective's Squirtle library. I can bundle that, though. ^_^
Eh, we'll see how ambitious I feel on Sunday. X-D
We're just going to use PYGGEL (so pygame, pyopengl, PIL and numpy) - so only the major libs need to be required, PYGGEL can be bundled :)
Cheers :)