Nausea warning.
It's becoming apparent that some people's experience of our game is inducing motion sickness, if you suffer from motion sickness please run the game in windowed mode (change it in options and then restart the game). If you still feel nauseous then you probably should stay clear of it, sorry :-(.(log in to comment)
Woodwolf, pymike: I'm surprised! Lots of games rotate the view around the player, including about 90% of 3d games. Do you have problems with those as well? I want to understand what's causing the motion sickness, so that we can minimise it in future. I don't believe that it's simply a rotating camera, simply because of the huge number of games out there with this feature. I'd like to do some more experimentation, but as I said on IRC, nobody at Super Effective suffers from this problem (or we'd have noticed it a lot earlier).
As for the 'classic' version idea, I do feel that the rotating viewpoint is a core gameplay mechanic, and removing it would change the game completely. It saddens me that people won't be able to play our game because of it, but if we removed it, I don't think it would be the same game any more. Does that make any sense?
ServalKatze: Glad to hear the problem isn't universal! I was a little worried for a while there.
I get very motion sick in the car if I try to read a book or a map, but if I put this game in a small windowed mode, I'm able to have enough peripheral stability to let me play for several levels before I have to stop. It's a testament to how fun the game is that so many of us keep playing, despite it making us feel uncomfortability. :)
Color blindness and motion sickness are two issues that affect large numbers of people, but aren't often considered when developing games. Similar to the Retro Remakes contests, I sometimes think it would be cool to do a restriction based around making more accessible games, since things like this are so easy to overlook.
Cosmologicon: There's a big difference between disorientation and nausea. Although I've never had a problem with video games, I do occasionally suffer from real-life motion sickness, and it's really quite an unpleasant thing. While we were certainly aiming to disorient the player a little, we definitely weren't trying for nausea.
Thanks everybody for all your comments. I'm coming to the conclusion that there probably isn't much that can be done for Digby Marshmallow to prevent people from feeling ill - it's just down to a couple of basic facts about the game design. We'll certainly cut back on the desynchronized spin in future releases, and maybe try to add some more static points of reference. However, I think there are always going to be some people who can't play the game.
Hmm... certainly not all our screens were that good...
@pymike: The critical lines are in lib/ in the GameMode class. You need to ensure that you reposition the view in the middle of the screen. There's a glTranslate at the start of on_draw as well as the glRotate and the line. Also some magic constants in inv_camera_transform need adjusting. I'm not certain that's everything but it might help.