September 2023 challenge: “Dark matter”

Unseen - Unseen: Postmortem

Posted by Tee on 2023/10/08 15:55

I'm happy with how this one turned out. I haven't done puzzle games in the last few Pyweeks and I wanted to do one. The theme was tricky and it took me a while to get some puzzle mechanics that I was happy with. I wanted to embed the "dark matter" theme into the mechanics and the idea of moving through physical objects and pulling them came early. I really like how simple and mechanically connected to the theme they are, so I felt it was important to keep them.

Originally I considered an idea where you would have two worlds and you could only interact with the world that you're not in, but that turned out to be not only too complicated and but also too hard to express visually. My rule of thumb for Pyweek is to keep it simple, so I took a step back and discarded that. The tricky part was that phasing through blocks and pulling them by themselves were just "character skills" and didn't offer any challenge, so I needed to figure out what was the antagonist of the puzzle. The notion of a creature that phases through physical objects led me to consider some sort stealth mechanic, which was simplified into The Eye which detects you after two moves. The fact that this can be viewed as a metaphor for the search for dark matter is a happy coincidence. :) The destructible blocks as a resource came later, which take inspiration from falling platforms in other block puzzle games. When designing puzzle mechanics I always aim to maximize the depth-to-complexity ratio and I think this has a pretty good one.

Once I had those settled, everything went smoothly, since the mechanics are relatively simple to implement (though I was able to reserve a good amount of time this Pyweek and could afford a bit of extra polish). Designing puzzles was also a lot of fun. The game does get difficult towards the last few levels, which intentionally build around some unintuitive moves. There is a walkthrough in the game description if you're stuck, but there's no ending so the fun is to simply solve the puzzles. :).

I'm also happy how the graphics turned out, even if there's still some room for polish. Drawing and animating the octopus-spider-alien was quite fun. I like how it looks like it's dancing when it's pulling an object. :)

I'm glad that many people enjoyed it. Congratulations to the team winners and to everyone who finished a game this Pyweek! See you next time.

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Cosmic Prowl - What my entry is

Posted by busterbeam on 2023/09/27 19:56

I really just wanted to try.  Being very ambitious having never finished a project, and didn't finish this one, we have the incomplete cosmic prowl.  The aim of the game was going to be using a "window"/"cone" in front of the player character to see the "invisible" particles representing scent (or dark matter).  But also all mobs/NPC's would also use this at "long range" to track targets.  I was going to add an element of the Wolf (you) needing to find special items (bones?) to progress to the next level.  Obviously an attack mechanic for mobs to attack each other also.

boring I know.

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Dark Odyssey - Play through video

Posted by ballipilla on 2023/09/27 17:08

Posted a play through video here:
Hope you have fun with the game.

Looking forward to playing all the cool games around.

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Dark Physics - Post-Dev Notes

Posted by mit-mit on 2023/09/27 12:06

Phew! Another PyWeek finished and a chance to write some notes down.

It was a bit of a tricky week, as unfortunately life really got in the road this week and I didn't really get to start the game dev in earnest until Day 5. I also had quite a bit of trouble coming up with ideas for the theme, I think it felt a bit too similar to "In the Shadows": I ended up getting inspired by Cosmo's post here, so that was the starting idea for my game and it sort of just went from there :). I tried to keep the game play concept pretty simple as I knew I wouldn't have tonnes of time to try for something more complex, but I still had lots of fun with the story :).

Looking forward to playing everyone's games!

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Lost&Found - Play in browser

Posted by Proiz92 on 2023/09/27 08:09

Hi, you can play also from your browser here:

password: <<mannaggia>>

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Dark matter - Game Play

Posted by RicBin on 2023/09/26 06:37

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Dark Physics - Game Playthrough Posted

Posted by mit-mit on 2023/09/25 11:05

I've posted a playthrough of the game here:

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Down The Drain - It's tubes, okay?

Posted by ambv on 2023/09/25 00:09


Play it yourself:
Playthrough video:

The backstory

I got really excited when Glyph pinged me to team up for PyWeek. I always admired PyWeek and people who managed to accomplish something in seven days when regular life can be a bit much on its own.

I made the theme for the game, and we had a funny little Zoom meeting where Glyph's daughter shared ideas with us that could easily turn into a few games. However, later in the week, life caught up to each one of us, and the ambitious plans went down the drain.

And now for something completely different

But I'm a stubborn guy, and I already had the music. I also gave a talk at EuroPython about generative graphics where the most well-received part was about 3D animation with PyScript. So, to salvage PyWeek #36, I decided to spend my Saturday hacking up something that's not much more than a tech demo to demonstrate this cool technology. I managed to complete just that, so this becomes our team's entry for this edition of PyWeek! Did I finish on Saturday or did I cheat a bit and only managed to get collision detection working on Sunday? Well, friends don't ask friends such questions.
A winning game of "Down The Drain"
OK, but is it at least on topic?

Well, you're flying in a dark tube, the title's got somewhat negative connotations... you could say it fits the "Dark Matter" theme! If you squint right 😎

Python in the browser is all I wanted for Christmas

Let's talk about the tech, that's definitely a more pleasant topic!
  • this is written in PyScript, which packages Pyodide in a way that is very easy to use for new projects;
  • graphics and audio bind to THREE.js, a wonderful library that makes using WebGL pretty easy;
  • but there is no JavaScript in this project, it's all Python 3.11!
There are some fantastic things about this that you might notice:
  • it runs everywhere without installation, including my iPhone;
  • it easily runs at 60FPS in Firefox and at a whopping 120FPS in Chrome -- remember that all logic here is written in Python;
  • it looks really nice, even if I only used the most primitive pieces of THREE.js this time.
Did you at least learn anything interesting?

Sure, sure! This entire ordeal of making a game in 24 hours or so taught me many things, but in no particular order, these are some highlights:
  • collision detection is a complex beast, and no algorithm is perfect;
  • in space no one can hear you scream that there's actually not three but six attributes needed to position and orient an object in three dimensions;
  • there are many clock domains: if you want to make your game synchronize to audio, you can't naively increment calculations in an animation frame callback, because some systems will run 60 of them per second, some 120, and some will struggle with even 30;
  • JavaScript is an FFI language in Pyodide, so there are some surprises like the fact that you need to call create_proxy() when passing callbacks so that Python's memory management doesn't destroy the function before it's called by JavaScript;
  • THREE.js is very powerful but still easy to use, even though many examples available online for it no longer work because it moves very quickly in terms of API changes;
  • more importantly, you can successfully write Python in the browser while reading JavaScript API docs and survive to tell the tale!

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Dark matter - Finally Done

Posted by RicBin on 2023/09/24 23:23

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Dark Matter Search - Game complete!

Posted by PyTM30 on 2023/09/24 23:17

I made a submission! I'm fairly happy with the concept and think I will work on it a little more. I already have a version that shows the positions of the dark matter at the end of the game but I wrote the couple of lines after the competition entry so I may upload it but not mark it final. It would be nice to be able to restart or have some progression of levels but it's currently a one and done and then you have to restart the game...
It shouldn't take long to check out the game as it's pretty short unless you just like watching the simulation.

Congratulations to everyone else that finished and thanks to the organisers.

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