

Website / itch.io

I like making games and doing cool things with Python.


PyWeek Game Team Rating
33 Game DNF
32 eh DNF
31 Cool Cop - Bad City 2.97
30 L0ST_!N_CYBER$PACE 3.07
29 Calm Waters 3.05
28 The Infinite Tower 3.18
27 Six Moves 3.55
26 Road Rage 3.52
25 Parallel team 27 3.07
24 Rodentopia 2.47

OrionDark7's awards

Crime Wave Presented by gsyhiap for Cool Cop - Bad City

The "Module Hunter" award for not listing the dependencies Presented by rdb for L0ST_!N_CYBER$PACE

Calm frustration Presented by zwerver for Calm Waters

投石问路 Presented by xmzhang1 for Calm Waters

beep beep beep Presented by speedlimit35 for The Infinite Tower

The Hurt My Wrists award for Hurting My Wrists Presented by schilcote for The Infinite Tower

Full Disclosure Award - Entry Contained Git Repo Presented by assertivist for Six Moves

Professionally Adorable Presented by Noelle for Six Moves

The Screenshot Reminds Me of an IChing Hexagram Award Presented by ntoll for Six Moves

The "Your Tach, Should You Choose To Accept It" Award Presented by larry for Road Rage

Memories of GTA (1997) Presented by capturts for Road Rage

Python 2 FTW Presented by gummbum for Parallel

The Python 2 is dead award Presented by ntoll for Parallel

Beware of DerpCat :D Presented by gummbum for Rodentopia

You have been crowned Mouse King for your splendid service to the mice. Presented by MBM_1607 for Rodentopia