First (out of two) level

This is science, please!

Geniuses aren't understood. You are no exception.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.8
Fun: 2.7
Production: 3.2
Innovation: 2.6

Respondents: 13


File Uploader Date
Added copyright info
ThibG 2012/05/13 15:27
First (out of two) level
ThibG 2012/05/13 00:04
Final version
ThibG 2012/05/12 23:58

Diary Entries

This is science, please! Days 1, 2, 3!

Hi pyweekers!
Here I come, with “This is science, please!”,
while this game's future is uncertain, I thought it was great time to post something about it.
Basically, it's going to be a plate-former about, guess what, a Mad Scientist!
This is supposed to be a team effort, but everyone on the team is plagued with lots of work and unexpected events.
Although I relied on the other members, I'm currently the only one working on this entry, but I hope this will change and that we will be able to deliver a playable game by the end of the week! 

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This is science... please be indulgent?

Pfew, I finally made it!

Lesson 1: make sure you have time to do something when you enter pyweek.
Lesson 2: make sure your teammates have time to do something when forming a team.

I didn't have time, and neither my teammates. Actually, besides the mad scientist sprite, everything is my own work, and the team, well, didn't really exist.

So, the core engine and the first level were written during the first three days, and the second level during the last one.

Of course, the game was supposed to be much longer, etc., but well...