PyWeek - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - feedback
- I finished the game as I can tell
- funny game mechanics
- clumsy goals and storytelling, I reached spaceship before eating plants
Neat game. The jetpack is cool to play around with and it's fun avoiding the worms, but I wish there was a bit more gameplay. I presume you just didn't have time, it feels like you built a great foundation for a game but didn't develop it much.
This looks like you had the beginnings of a really good game: I got to my rocket and assume there wasn't more to experience past that point. You had a really good setup: I loved the hollywood blockbuster feeling I had, I was ready for the epic ... also everyone appreciates fart humour, it has been proven :) ... also loved the dune-esque sand worms. The graphics looked really nice and tight and great choice of music to set the atmosphere.
Great work, and interesting gameplay idea, although there wasn't very much of it. With more time and more game mechanics this could have made for an interesting game.
Could be an interesting game but the random jumps while trying to follow the story were quite annoying. Also it took a while to get what one has to do and how and that one can't stand on the smaller rocks.
I'm intrigued, it feels like there's something going on here, but I can't figure out what it is. I ended up quitting out of frustrations
It felt like it took me a while to understand what was going on, but once I got the hang of it I could really see where it was going, and I had a lot of fun moving from point A to point B. I like the dialog, I just wish I could touch the objective while the previous dialog is going. I don't mind waiting, it was just confusing why it wasn't working. I wandered off into the desert and imagined what it would be like to cross long distances and explore using this mechanic. I think it could be pretty fun. Thanks for your informative post about using Tiled. It's really great to have a look behind the scenes!