PyWeek - Team probably just - feedback

Did not work


could not pip install ratcave:

running build_ext
building '_transformations' extension
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":

Command "...\python360\python.exe -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='...\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-install-828pvhu9\\ratcave\\';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record ...\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-record-2xat91i2\install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in ...\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-828pvhu9\ratcave\


Did not work


Working. Not finished.

Did not work


Didn't run on my mac on any of the test images:

2018-11-09 23:10:56.426 Python[62289:17270639] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to (null)
b"ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported\nERROR: 0:2: 'layout' : syntax error: syntax error\n"
b"ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported\n"
b"ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported\nERROR: 0:2: 'layout' : syntax error: syntax error\n"
b"ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported\nERROR: 0:28: '(' : syntax error: Array size must appear after variable name\n"
b"ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported\nERROR: 0:2: 'layout' : syntax error: syntax error\n"
b"ERROR: 0:2: '' : version '400' is not supported\nERROR: 0:13: '(' : syntax error: Array size must appear after variable name\n"
b"ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported\nERROR: 0:2: 'layout' : syntax error: syntax error\n"
b"ERROR: 0:1: '' : version '400' is not supported\n"

Did not work


It ran, but all I saw was a black screen:

$ python content/images/2-testlevel.png
b'0:1(10): error: GLSL 4.00 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.00 ES, 3.00 ES, 3.10 ES, and 3.20 ES\n'

Fun 1 Prod 4 Inno 2


I could not run it but by looking at the gif file, it looks very nice.

Did not work

Unicorn Markets

TypeError: main() missing 1 required positional argument: 'image_file'

designer says he did not finish

Did not work


I've reported this error in the comments

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in <module>
File "", line 5, in main
game=GameWindow(1280, 960, image_file)
File "/tmpfs/ws/gameplay/", line 17, in __init__
self.activeScreen=WaveStopperGame(starting_image, self.window)
File "/tmpfs/ws/gameplay/", line 66, in __init__
File "/tmpfs/ws/gameplay/", line 78, in setup_initial_frame
with UniformProvider(fire_and_forget, intexture=self.start_texture, targetColor=material.color,colorTolerance=0.1, initialStatusColors=material.initialState):
File "/tmpfs/ws/GLUtil/", line 93, in __enter__
File "/tmpfs/ws/GLUtil/", line 30, in SupplyValues
File "/tmpfs/ws/GLUtil/", line 45, in invokeSetter
File "/tmpfs/venv3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyglet/gl/", line 105, in errcheck
raise GLException(msg) b'invalid operation'

Did not work


I don't think GLSL4 is available in my video drivers (Intel graphics on Ubuntu 16.04):

b'0:1(10): error: GLSL 4.00 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.00 ES, 3.00 ES, 3.10 ES, and 3.20 ES\n'

Fun 1 Prod 2 Inno 4


Not a game, but an impressive simulation. I can't rate it very highly on account of that, but good work nonetheless.

It would be great if next time, you could put your files under a root directory in the zip file.

Did not work


Game looks promising, but unfortunately was far from finished so couldn't play it

Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 3


The fluid dynamics are great and I like how you can make your own images-worlds, but, unfortunately, it's not actually a game. It's still an impressive thing.

Did not work


I was unable to install ratcave on windows. pip gave an error: " error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools": http://landinghub.visu" The provided link is dead and after installing ~10GB of Microsoft Visual Something or Other 2017 I was still getting the same error and I gave up.

Fun 1 Prod 2 Inno 3


I like the idea of the fluid simulation and the granularity of the simulation (pixel sized droplets?) but it runs - as depicted in xmzhang1's award thumbnail - with 4 sections of the screen showing differently shaded images.

I assume it's is something to do with the shader programs not displaying as intended, or it's how it is supposed to appear.

Either way the shader looks like a great resource but the program isn't really a Python Game.