Eye stabs
File | Uploader | Date |
Pitch detection, get those notes right! |
illume | 2008/09/09 23:27 |
start of intro |
illume | 2008/09/08 23:20 |
Diary Entries
eye stabs. Do you? We figured out a possible idea for our game.
Different 'lengths of string' play different notes on a guitar. So that's how it matches up with the theme.
In the dirty underground music scene often referred to as 'eye stabs', there are lethal gigs in select nightclubs around the world. Musicians play for eyes. A tune is played to the musician, and they must figure out the notes played.
Fuck up the tune, and you are stabbed in the eye! Get the tune right, fortune and respect are yours! Better than the riches and the adoration though -- rich club owners can give you spare eyes... and provide doctors that can give you back eyes you have had stabbed out.
So are you prepared to put your eyes on the line? Can you play well enough to avoid a stab in the eye? Do you trust the sleazy club owners doctors to fix your eye if it does get stabbed?
_____ q o o p q o!o p d o!o b \!!!/ |===| |!!!| |!!!| |!!!| |!!!| |!!!| _|!!!|__ .+=|!!!|--.`. .' |!!!| `.\ / !===! \\ | /|!!!|\ || \ \!!!!!/ // ) `===' (( .' !!!!! `.. / !!!!! \\ | !!!!! || | !!!!! || | !!!!! || \ ======= // `. ooooo .;' `-._______.-'
basic intro sequence, with music
intro screenshot, and what we did.
Last night 'akalias' did: - initial import of notes.py, scales / intervals / pitch -> note mapping - Pitch recognition prototype: analyse_play.py
I(illume) worked on the intro sequence a bit more, and got the game moving from intro, to note tapping part, and back to exit. I also did some more on the note tapping interface (which is the one where it shows you notes that you need to play). think sing star, or those bouncing balls in karaoke. So soon we should have a minimal game working... which we can then keep improving. I hope it'll be fun!
Here's a shot of our animated intro sequence. Note the guitar strings ;)

Pitch detection of a guitar, and simple note/song interface.
Get those notes right! Notes come up on the bottom, and the notes you play appear on the top. This is just a functional moch up of the main game screen. Lots of other meta game screens are going to be in the game. Including a doctors surgery where you can repair your eye, and club scenes. aka is working on the art work for them.

Was spending 6 hours on a multithreaded streaming video player worth it?
Not submitting final entry, will post later. + Postmortem.
Congrats to everyone who took part, pyweek was really fun! I look forward to playing your games.
we're not going to post a final entry. Our game isn't really at the stage where we'd like it to be... There's still a number of core features required before it's a 'game'. At the moment, it's kind of a fun intro, and a demo of what the game could be.
So we'll make a release some time in the next few weeks. Because we want to show everyone... but not before the basic elements are in place.
Until then, if anyone is bored, you can look at our subversion repository. The intro is pretty cool at the moment :) I think we spent far too long on the intro... so maybe that's worth a little download.
things that went well
things that went badly
--eye stabs.