Ratings (show detail)
Overall: 2.4
Fun: 2.3
Production: 2.7
Innovation: 2.4
File | Uploader | Date |
— final
PyClimb - 'The Only Way is Up' |
wegstar | 2007/04/08 01:54 |
Menu.. almost there! :D |
wegstar | 2007/04/07 21:15 |
Background for menu |
wegstar | 2007/04/07 15:54 |
Deadly boulders and a machine gun... |
wegstar | 2007/04/05 00:31 |
Bullets and deadly snow (for testing purposes)! |
wegstar | 2007/04/03 06:04 |
SNOW! (with relativistic effects too!) |
wegstar | 2007/04/03 01:28 |
Another screenie, as you see there is little change, but I spent most of my time working on the sounds, which are pretty good ;) |
wegstar | 2007/04/02 04:44 |
Very early screenshot... |
wegstar | 2007/04/01 23:29 |
player |
wegstar | 2007/04/01 21:19 |
Diary Entries
Screw the Menu!
End of Pyweek Day 2
Things I got done today:
- got some neat sounds set up
- health bar
- player pictures (took most of the day)
- map
- movement
- gun sound effects system
- dealt with skipped mouse events (sort of)
- AI and enemies
- Item drop
- fix skipped mouse event bug
- snow!
Also, I realize that I'm about a 1/3 done with the game.. with about 5 days left.. I don't know if that's a good thing or not; it could be that I had chosen a very simple idea, but it gives me extra time to polish the horrible graphics :).
Wasting time...
grr.. I've been wasting time doing other things.
I've just rewritten the gun sound system.. that's only for the handgun.
I'll have to do it for the AK-47.
I guess I'll add some snow and post a screenshot.
>>Things to do tomorrow:
- AI and enemies
- Item drop
- fix skipped mouse event bug
- snow!
Looks like I got a lot accomplished today...
I'll do the enemy units and their AI tomorrow, along with items, and better pics :D
No Slashdot!
Just a random thought while I was programming: Hopefully will not be slashdotted any time soon, or else this competition would be ruined due to the Slashdot Effect- pyweek would most likely be knocked offline by all those visits for about a day; if pyweek is slashdotted on the last day, no one would be able to upload their submissions :-(
FPS problems!
About two days ago, I had these two goals.. I don't think I could meet them now...
# AI and enemies
# Item drop
The reason is this: when I added in the Item Drop feature, I realized that the game's fps rate fell below 10fps. The result was a choppy mess. Currently I'm using a simple loop - handle input, do logic calculations, draw, and cleanup. Apparently the logic portion is taking up too much time. If anyone has suggestions for optimizations or a better method altogether, please comment...
Out of Time!
Well, I discovered that a major part of the problem was due to looping through the # of bullets and blitting them every loop. This resulted in a drop of 7fps. I'll go fix it by having it draw when truly necessary, and hopefully it will up the fps to 33fps.
With this in mind, I don't think I can finish adding enemies or items. I guess I'll have to cut my losses and stick with what I have... climbing a glacier and shooting at icy boulders falling down ;-).
My development is being interrupted by life and I won't have enough time to add extra features in during the next two days. I'll just make a very cool menu with a fancy ui, tweak the graphics, and do other small optimizations. The game is highly configurable at this point, and I think this will contribute to its fun factor :-)
The Final Countdown!
Well, I've got only a few hours left to work on the game. And I've decided to make an impressive looking menu and opening screen, which will hopefully give a good first impression...
The is one of the backgrounds for the menu:
YAY! Done!
Well, I've learned a lot.
- Do not become distracted
- Do not add features at the last minute
- organize priorities!
- Don't do artwork for a feature you will not end up doing...
- always have a backup idea, something the game can be easily molded into, in the case time runs out...
- Don't let life get in the way of pyweek development! :P
- learned more about linux and python, via working with the hacked up python and pygame...
- and much more...
Tools of the trade: (I was forced to use these tools)
- mtPaint
- Xpaint
- nedit
- Geany
- custom python2.4 minimal distribution
- hacked up 1.7.1 pygame
Well that's all I have to say tonight. Time to get onto other things ;)